1528 examples of pulsing in sentences

She said nothing as he entered, but he had scarcely crossed the threshold when he found his arms full of something very tangible and warm, and pulsing with all love.

She stood, awkwardly silent, in a shy panic to her pulsing finger-tips.

The weakened and stiffened arterial walls lose the elastic spring of the pulsing current.

He is a non-conductor in relation to the great magnetic currents which run pulsing along the invisible wires that connect one heart with another.

He scratched a match on the chair seat, held it to the end of the cigarette, and stared across the pulsing flame straight into the eyes of the Marysville lawyer.

I paced the deck, solemnly joyful, swift thoughts pulsing through me of a dim far-off Margaret, of a near radiant Flora, of hope and happiness superior to fate.

And then, through the keen morning air, the swift hoofs beat their spirited music along the road, keeping time to the pulsing of two hearts that are moved with the same eager desireto conquer space, to devour the distance, to attain the goal of the journey.

And were we not ourselves like pulsing suns Who, once an aeon met within the void, So fiery close, forget how far away Each orbit sweeps, and dream a little space Of fiery wedding.

The jet of blood pulsing from it had placed an indelible red stain on my memory.

The whole forest rustled with mystery in the strange pulsing luminance that was neither sunset nor moonrise, but the memory of one, and a hope of the otherthe kind of light that a blind man might see in dreams.

TO M.C. OF ATHENS Son of the race that gave the world its best, Of ancient Greece a noble type thou art, An Attic spirit transferred to the West, The blood of Hellas pulsing at thy heart;

Beneath her feet the screw throbbed, pulsing like an overdriven heart, and Sam Davis poked his sweaty face now and then through a window to catch a breath of cool air denied him in the small inferno where he stoked the fire box.

In the signalers' room all the fluctuations of the fight were translated from the pulsing fever, the human living tragedies and heroisms, the violent hopes and fears and anxieties of the battle line, to curt cold words, to scribbled letters on a message form.

The faint, steady pulsing was drawing nearer and nearernearer stillit must be flying quite high.

Engine trouble, perhapsthough she could detect no break in the huge, rhythmic pulsing that was shaking the night.

I held it up to the light, but the shell was too thick for me to get any notion of what might be happening inside; and though I fancied I heard blood pulsing, it might have been the rustle in my own ears, like what you listen to in a seashell.

At the end of the tenth I stopped, one foot slightly advanced for the turn, every nerve pulsing from strain.

but it is thus reported in circling dimples, in lines of beauty, as it were the constant welling up of its fountain, the gentle pulsing of its life, the heaving of its breast.

And now the bells of the churches were sounding the Ave Maria, filling the air with sweet and solemn vibrations, as if angels were passing to and fro overhead, harping as they went; and ever and anon the great bell of the Campanile came pulsing in with a throb of sound of a quality so different that one hushed one's breath to hear.

Is Shelley's true life in his existence in some far-off heaven, or in the pulsing liberty his lyrics send through men's hearts, when they respond to the strains of his lyre?

' I must not say, being myself a Cambridge man, that the Bodleian dominates Oxford, yet to many an English, American, and foreign traveller to that city, which, despite railway-stations and motor-cars and the never-ending villas and perambulators of the Banbury Road, still breathes the charm of an earlier age, the Bodleian is the pulsing heart of the University.

Passing from flower to flower he goes, his whole nature pulsing with butterfly voluptuousness.

It was a spirit of peace that was not of death, but of smooth-pulsing life, of quietude that was not silence, of movement that was not action, of repose that was quick with existence without being violent with struggle and travail.

You will play the game?" Her eyes fell, the breath pulsing between her lips.

The clouds were heaping higher, pulsing with light, roaring with thunder.

1528 examples of  pulsing  in sentences