1918 examples of pumps in sentences

"Donnegan wears queer clothes; Donnegan shoots Scar-faced Lewis; Donnegan pumps the nerve out of poor Jack Landis and then drills him.

Brown, standing by the air-pumps, looked at his watch and waited anxiously.

They worked under many difficulties, often thigh deep in water and mud, cleaning out and deepening wells and installing power pumps, putting up large canvas tanks for storage, and making water troughs.

To add to our dilemma, we found the pumps choked and nearly useless.

This we at last accomplishedbut we were still unable to do anything at the pumps; and, in the meantime, the leak gained on us very fast.

" "It is because your heart pumps so much more blood up inside your body," explained Daddy Blake.

The food is changed into blood inside our bodies, and our heart pumps this blood through our arteries, which are like steam pipes.

The fireman, with face and neck like a lobster, went out, at intervals, and plunged his hands and his head too into the stream of cool water sent out from the mine by the laboring pumps.

Then, instead of fifteen pounds to the square inch, atmospheric pressure is increased to five-and-forty, not calculating the simoom of the following morning, when he is as dry as the desert of Sahara, and eyes the pumps and soda-water fountains with as much gout as the Israelites did the water from Mount Horeb.

In August, 1782, she came to Spithead in a very complete state, so that there was no occasion for the pumps to be touched oftener than once in every three or four days.

About 4 o'clock she came up with the vessel, which proved to be a Spanish brig, Paquette de Bilboa, laden with a general cargo, and bound from Hamburg to Cadiz, leaky, and both pumps at work.

The weather, however, became very tempestuous; and on the morning of the fatal day, she passed the Fames on her way northwards, in a very high sea, which rendered it necessary for the crew to keep the pumps constantly at work.

The principal shaft makes two hundred revolutions per minute, but the velocity of that of the pumps is but fifty revolutions.

At time of Mr. Seraing's experiments, only centrifugal force pumps were known, and the theoretic effective duty of these, whatever be the peculiar system of construction, cannot exceed 66 per cent., and, in practice, falls to 40 or 50 per cent.

It is probable, then, that in making use of those new rotary pumps where effective duty reaches and often exceeds 80 per cent., we might obtain much better results, and it is this that justifies the new researches that have been undertaken by Messrs. Maginot & Pinette, whose first experiments we are about to make known.

Passing further west a short distance we reach the Passaic River, and walk along its banks for a mile north to the Belleville bridge; at this point is the intake of the Jersey City water works, with their huge Worthington pumps and other accessories, which may be conveniently visited.

But in this matter again, Mr. Chamberlain and the "new gang" paid no heed to the growls of the disaffected, and pumps were disestablished in all directions, chiefly, it was maintained, to swell the returns of the water department.

Worse was to follow, much worsea report from the engine-room that the pumps had choked and the water risen over the gratings.

For a time, with donkey engine and bilge pump sucking, it looked as though the water would be got under; but the hope was short-lived: five minutes of pumping invariably led to the same resulta general choking of the pumps.

They had likewise charge of the fire-pumps and buckets, and two tanks of water, all of which were kept in the hatchway in constant readiness in case of accidents.

Wot an 'orrible cold place it is, ugh!" Buzzby was received with enthusiastic cheers, for he was dressed in the old familiar blue jacket, white ducks, pumps, and straw hat set jauntily on one side of his heada costume which had not been seen for so many months by the crew of the Dolphin, that their hearts warmed to it as if it were an old friend.

The wooden ship, somewhat strained by this interminable struggle, commenced to leak, and the crew had to work the hand-pumps night and day.

Mr. Pumps, the popsicle man.

KRISTAL, FRANK A. Pumps; types, selection, installation, operation, and maintenance, by Frank A. Kristal & Frank A. Annett.

These boys may be known by their shoes in the street; they generally wear pumps, or shoes of a very light make, having long quarters.

1918 examples of  pumps  in sentences