41 examples of puncheons in sentences

They were light feet that trod the unsecured puncheons.

" CHAPTER IX LISTER MAKES GOOD Arcturus' holds were empty and a long row of oil puncheons occupied the beach, but the men who had dragged the goods from the water were exhausted by heavy toil in the scorching sun, and some were sick.

" The man swaggered forward, the lash of the whip trailing across the puncheon floor.

Materials N. material, raw material, stuff, stock, staple; adobe, brown stone; chinking; clapboard; daubing; puncheon; shake; shingle, bricks and mortar; metal; stone; clay, brick crockery &c 384; compo, composition; concrete; reinforced concrete, cement; wood, ore, timber.

They observed that he was a stranger from a distance, without acquaintance in the country, and that nobody would take any trouble to inquire about him, in case he should never come to hand, (quand il viendroit à manquer.") Think, gentlemen, of these Friezland dogs discussing a philosopher as if he were a puncheon of rum.

brandy 42 gallons 1 tierce 63 gallons 1 hogshead 84 gallons 1 puncheon 2 hogsheads 1 pipe 2 pipes 1 ton * *

2 pints 1 quart 4 quarts 1 gallon 8 gallons 1 firkin of ale 9 gallons 1 firk. of beer 2 firkins 1 kilderkin 2 kilderkins 1 barrel 14 barrel 1 hogshead 2 barrels 1 puncheon 3 barrels 1 butt * *

Eighty-four gallons make One puncheon fill'd to brim, Two hogsheads make one pipe or butt, Two pipes will make one tun.

The new colonists resided in log-cabins, rudely constructed, with no glass in the windows, with floors of dirt, or, in the better sort of dwellings, of puncheons of split timber, roughly hewed with the axe.

Wooden vessels and platters supplied the place of our modern plates and china-ware; and a "tin cup was an article of delicate furniture, almost as rare as an iron-fork," The beds were either placed on the floor, or on bedsteads of puncheons, supported by forked pieces of timber, driven into the ground, or resting on pins let into auger-holes in the sides of the cabin.

There are exceptions to this rule, but they are only exceptions; you may sometimes see puncheon floor, but never, or almost never a plank floor.

On the general condition of the slaves in Kentucky, through Hardin co., he said, their houses were very uncomfortable, generally without floors, other than the earth: many had puncheon floors, but he never remembers to have seen a plank floor.

The floor was made of "puncheons," or planks split and hewn with an ax from the trunk of a tree, and laid with the round side down.

Bales of company's cloth, cases of wine, puncheons of spirits, barrels of gunpowder, hogsheads of beer, &c. lay strewed on the shore, together with a chest of tools.

The crops during the years of the record averaged 311 hogsheads of sugar, sixteen hundredweight each, and 133 puncheons of rum, 110 gallons each.

But at £15 per hogshead and £10 per puncheon, the prices generally current in the island in the seventeen-nineties, the gross return was but about £6000 sterling, and the net earnings of the establishment accordingly not above £2000.

To the rhythm of African melodies the cargo would come out of the holdmahogany furniture, a new statue for the garden, cases of wine, casks of muscovado sugar, puncheons of rum, plantation machinery, sweetmeats and spices, and some bewildered Irish cows.

All was new to him, but he soon wearied of the main streets, where huge drays laden with puncheons of rum and bales of tobacco threatened to crush him, and tarry seamen, their whiskers hanging in ringlets, jostled him at every crossing.

The floor was made of puncheons, great slabs of wood hewed carefully out, and the roof of clapboards.

The women shared the stern qualities of the men; often it happened that, when the house-owner had been shot down, his wife made good the defence of the cabin with rifle or with axe, hewing valiantly at the savages who tried to break through the door, or dig under the puncheon floor, or, perhaps, burst down through the roof or wide chimney.

The boats were immediately hoisted out and sent up the river, but the tide was ebbing and the difficulty of filling the casks so great that, after great labour, we only procured a puncheon of water.

There was no lack of bombazet gowns and large white pocket-handkerchiefs, perfumed with oil of cinnamon; and as they took their places in long rows on the puncheon floor, they were a merry and a happy company.

Why, I would stave him on the open street like a puncheon of eight, and think nothing of the doing of it.

Our houses went up very fastall rough oak logs, with oak puncheons, or hewed planks for a floor, and oak shakes for a roof, all of our own make.

In front was a table made of two puncheons with a blanket thrown over all, and a few rough seats around.

41 examples of  puncheons  in sentences