228 examples of punctured in sentences

But even then, I'd have got back, if we hadn't punctured a tire when we were five miles from anywhere.

" "I should say they did," admitted Jack, as he examined the various marks showing where the Hun bullets had punctured different parts of the wings, or struck the fuselage, narrowly missing both the motor and the partly protected petrol supply tank.

Plumbs and pears punctured by some insects ripen sooner, and the part round the puncture is sweeter.

Sergeant Rosenthal, who was very proud of his punctured wrist and very hopeful of getting a promotion, went out soon; but it speedily became evident that he had not forgotten us.

Incidentally, it had been found, when the auto which Roy had driven to the deserted house was towed back for repairs, that the tank had been punctured by some sharp instrument.

Judith watched him carefully, and when his back was turned, drew a small lancet, and affecting to arrange her dress, slightly punctured Amabel's neck.

In fact, a poultice, strongly impregnated with perchloride of mercury or other powerful antiseptic, is a useful dressing in a case of a punctured foot, or a wise preliminary to an operation involving the wounding of the deeper structures.

Take, for example, punctured foot.


In purely country districts cases of punctured foot are of far less frequent occurrence than in large towns.

Punctured wounds of the foot may be classified as follows: Simple or superficial when penetrating no structure of great importance.

Before proceeding to discuss the complications that may arise in the case of pricked foot, we may call to mind that the anatomy of the parts teaches us that the most serious position in which a punctured wound can occur is at the centre of the foot.

Of all the complications to be met with in punctured foot this is the one most to be dreaded.

The first consideration in giving a prognosis in punctured foot should be the position of the wound.

Although unaffecting the prognosis so far as the actual termination of the case is concerned, it may be mentioned that punctured foot is far more serious in a nag than in a heavy draught animal.

When suppuration has occurredand this, by-the-by, is by far the most frequent condition in which we find punctured foottreatment must be prompt and decided.

Suppurative periostitis is met with in foot cases, commonly in connection with punctured foot.

Its rapidly spreading character makes it always a dangerous condition, and a punctured foot exuding a discharge of this nature should always be regarded as serious.

In our cases necrosis of bone may be met with in punctured foot, in severe cases of tread, in cases of complicated crack, and in suppurating corn.

There was a punctured wound at the toe.

We have in this case a deep punctured wound, and a wound that in every probability is infected with the organisms of pus or of putrefaction.

Aviators are accustomed to the whizz of shell-fragments and bullets, and to have their planes punctured and ripped.

Between us, I don't mind admitting I was glad you punctured that fellowit saved me the trouble.

" I turned to my chauffeur who was tampering with his punctured tire.

and Various forms of flutes and fifes, made of reeds, of bone or of pottery, were called by names derived from the word pitzaua, to blow (e.g., tlapitzalli, uilacapitzli), and sometimes, as being punctured with holes, zozoloctli, from zotl, the awl or instrument used in perforating skins, etc.

228 examples of  punctured  in sentences