4604 examples of pursuits in sentences

The Curial Breviary was drawn up in this way to make it suitable for persons engaged in outdoor pursuits and journeys.

The new adventurers had no sooner climbed over the highest precipices, but thinking themselves secure from the pursuits of their rapacious enemies, they fixed in a valley which, from its great fertility in comparison of the country they had just passed, they called Domestica[I].

We have already glanced at the people of La Rioja,at their dreamy, Oriental character, at their pastoral pursuits.

It must not, however, be supposed, that these, and similar pursuits during the ages of which we treat, as well as those which succeeded, were solely or chiefly followed by mere adventurers and fanatics.

Of his Harrow friends, Harness and Long in due course followed him to Cambridge, where their common pursuits were renewed.

He was introduced to John Pigot, a medical student of Edinburgh, and his sister Elizabeth, both endowed with talents above the average, and keenly interested in literary pursuits, to whom a number of his letters are addressed; also to the Rev. J.T. Becher, author of a treatise on the state of the poor, to whom he was indebted for encouragement and counsel.

Letters to his old correspondentsto Scott about the Waverleys, to Murray about the Dramas, and the Vision of Judgment, and Cainmake up almost the sole record of the poet's pursuits during the five following months.

less fit for, carrying on the peaceful pursuits of life, is sure to be brought into the foreground in a state of endless warfare.

The disparity between the United States, with a standing army of only twenty-five thousand men withdrawn from industrial pursuits, and the states of Europe, with their standing armies amounting to four millions of men, is something that cannot possibly be kept up.

The character of his heart seemed particularly formed for military pursuits.

In a short time however, he was completely forgotten by the patron, in the hurry of dissipation, and the pursuits of an unbounded ambition.

That Lodge was vagrant in his pursuits we have sufficient evidence; for, after having perhaps been upon the stage, having entered himself at Lincoln's Inn, having become a soldier, and having sailed with Clarke and Cavendish, he went, according to Wood, to study medicine at Avignon.

The late king of Prussia was of a disposition violent and arbitrary, of narrow views, and vehement passions, earnestly engaged in little pursuits, or in schemes terminating in some speedy consequence, without any plan of lasting advantage to himself or his subjects, or any prospect of distant events.

Here, indeed, we may learn to despise this world's poor renown, and cease tormenting ourselves with vain and godless pursuits.

He may be a frivolous man, and be so much occupied with petty pursuits, that he may not want friends.

I do not know any one of the occupations by which a subsistence can now be gained, more suitable than such as this to anyone who, not being in independent circumstances, desires to devote a part of the twenty-four hours to private intellectual pursuits.

Those who have to support themselves by their pen must depend on literary drudgery, or at best on writings addressed to the multitude; and can employ in the pursuits of their own choice, only such time as they can spare from those of necessity; which is generally less than the leisure allowed by office occupations, while the effect on the mind is far more enervating and fatiguing.

THE "WESTMINSTER REVIEW" The occupation of so much of my time by office work did not relax my attention to my own pursuits, which were never carried on more vigorously.

My objects in life are solely those which were hers; my pursuits and occupations those in which she shared, or sympathized, and which are indissolubly associated with her.

All his leisure was given to literary pursuits.

Mark told of his pursuits and prospects.

To be serious, Belford, I must acknowledge, that all our pursuits, from childhood to manhood, are only trifles of different sort and sizes, proportioned to our years and views: but then is not a fine woman the noblest trifle, that ever was or could be obtained by man?And to what purpose do we say obtained, if it be not in the way we wish for?If a man is rather to be her prize, than she his? ***

It is based on the admiration of antiquity, on the universal praise which his creations extorted even from the severest critics in an age of Art, when the best energies of an ingenious people were directed to it with the absorbing devotion now given to mechanical inventions and those pursuits which make men rich and comfortable.

They were preserved from degeneracy by their simple habits and peaceful pursuits.

"Neither my tastes nor my pursuits incline me to mingle in what is termed fashionable society.

4604 examples of  pursuits  in sentences