43 examples of puttees in sentences

Its more unconventional lines suited him well; the dust-brown Norfolk, the leathern puttees, gave an adventurous turn to the expression of a personality which was only so on the mental side.

Dainty Dolly, whom we have always treated as a fragile bit of Sèvres china, clad in breeches and puttees, under the booming of the great guns, is fitting patiently, part to part, the beating engine which will lift on wings some English boy in his flight through the blue skies of France.

Spiral puttees and good boots are provided; the only peculiar feature is the headgeara curious, uncouth-looking combination of the turban and the German helmet, devised by Enver Pasha to combine religion and practicality, and called in his honor enverieh.

It was a snapshot photograph of a young officer in khaki and puttees, not very well taken, and badly mounted on a bit of white pasteboard that might have been cut from a bandbox with a penknife; but it was all she had, and there could never be another.

There was a short semi-circular drive in front, with one sentry and one small lantern burning at each gate; but their khaki uniforms and puttees didn't disguise the fact that the sentries were dark, dyed-in-wool Arabs from the desert country, and though they presented arms, they did it as men who make concessions without pretending to admire such foolishness.

Their puttees were snugly reefed about their shanks and their khaki tunics buttoned up to their throats.

Their trousers either tuck inside the uppers of their boots and should be sufficiently long to do so without pulling out in a strained turn or fall, or they may be buttoned round outside the boots or folded and tied on with Norwegian puttees or swanks.

Breeches and stockings may be worn, but long puttees should be avoided as they constrict the muscles and stop the circulation, thus tending to frost-bite, which is a serious danger at high altitudes.

Swanks, or Norwegian puttees, may be used to tie the socks above or over the boot so as to prevent the snow from getting inside.

At the end of each train, in passenger-coaches, their officerstall, slim-legged young Olympians in leather puttees and short tan greatcoats, with their air of elegant amateurs embarking on some rather superior sort of sport.

They are dressed in businesslike fashion in dust-colored woollen tunics and snug breeches with puttees, and wear a rather rakish-looking folded capa sort of conventionalized turban not unlike the soldier hats children make by folding newspapers.

Shout for the joy of it, waving your hats; Where there are puttees will shortly be spats; Never again will we form on the right, Squad or platoon, for a sergeant's delight; So let our faces, by discipline marred, Shine with an unction that savours of nard, Now we may purchase unlimited lard.

As their car had swung up before the plain, square, big-chimneyed old house, and Page had come to meet them, dressed in khaki-colored forester's garb, with puttees, Aunt Victoria had been generous enough to admit by an eye-flash to Sylvia that the girl knew her business very well.

All this lay back of the fact that, as Sylvia, her face bright with spontaneous interest in pine plantations and lumbering operations, stepped to the side of the man in puttees, her costume exactly suited his own.

I always put my puttees on first and then a pair of thick socks, and finally a pair of boots.

My puttees, which I rarely removed, were more like long rolls of the consistency of nougat than anything else, thanks to the mud.

The orderlies coming in with messages were daubed thick with the wet mud from boot-soles to shoulders, often with their puttees and knees and thighs dripping and running water as if they had just waded through a stream.

Here one may see the shepherd of Salisbury Plain, or rather, of the Marlborough Downs, in typical costumelong weather-stained cloak and round black felt, almost brimless, hat, described by Lady Tennant as having a bunch of flowers stuck in the brim, but this the writer had never the fortune to see until the summer of 1921 when the shepherd was also wearing his own old cavalry breeches and puttees!

And we resigned positions at the front To dally for a space behind the line, To shed my war-worn vesture I was wont The G.S. boots, the puttees and the pants That mock at cut and mar the neatest leg, The battle-jacket with its elbows patched And bands of leather, round its hard-used cuffs,

He wore the cap and blouse of a chauffeur and his legs were encased in the black puttees of his craft.

A blue blouse, or a bit of khaki; British puttees and a flare of crimson; Russian boots and a glimpse of sodden gray; or an American campaign-hat crowning a motley of many services,explained that the soldiers of the world found Equatoria desirable in not a few cases for finishing enlistments.

A strange figure she made, with loose hair cascading over her coat, with knickers and puttees, with wounded arm slung in the breast of her jacket.

Our ankle-puttees had long dropped to pieces, and our hose-tops, having worked under the soles of our boots, had been cut away and discarded.

The result was a bare and mud-splashed expanse of leg from boot to kilt, except in the case of the enterprising few who had devised artistic spat-puttees out of an old sandbag.

Where is your old one?" "Blawn off ma back, sirr!" "Where are your puttees?" "Blawn off ma feet, sirr!" "Where is your iron ration?" "Blawn oot o' ma pooch, sirr!" "Where is your head?" "BlawnI beg your pardon, sirr!"followed by generous reissues all round.

43 examples of  puttees  in sentences