4 examples of qq in sentences

[pp]Much could I add,but see the boat at hand, The tide, retiring, calls me from the land: [qq] Farewell!When youth, and health, and fortune spent, Thou fly'st for refuge to the wilds of Kent;

[pp] His alias poteram, et plures subnectere causas: Sed jumenta vocant [qq] Ergo vale nostri memor et, quoties te Roma tuo refici properantem reddet Aquino, Me quoque ad Helvinam Cererem vestramque Dianam Convelle a Cumis.

Qq Qq Rr Rr Q is for Quiet, for Quiver, and Quill, For Quick, and for Queen, and for Quack; R is for Rabbit, for Rat, and for Rill, For Rose, and for Ring, and for Rack.

Qq Qq Rr Rr Q is for Quiet, for Quiver, and Quill, For Quick, and for Queen, and for Quack; R is for Rabbit, for Rat, and for Rill, For Rose, and for Ring, and for Rack.

4 examples of  qq  in sentences