14183 examples of quarters in sentences

They would take them up to their house and doctor them or come down to the quarters and wait on whoever be sick.

"In Conway County when I was a small boy livin' on the Milton Powell place, I 'member they sent me out in the field to get some peaches about a half mile from the slave quarters.

Old missis come down to the quarters in her carriagedidn't have buggies in them days, just carriagesto see who was hurt.

In many quarters today there is the same willingness to stand for equal pay, but very little anxiety to see that the young girl worker be as well trained as the boy, in order that the girl may be able with reason and justice to demand the same wage from an employer.

Referring to the book in a letter to a friend, written shortly after its publication, she says: "Of course it will meet with rough treatment in some quarters, as indeed it has already done.

Had we not had the toil, we should not have acquired the knowledge which now enables us to complete our work in three-quarters of an hour.

The whole process should be completed in three-quarters of an hour.

He consumed during that period five quarters of oats, at $8 the quarter, and five bushels of beans, which cost $6.66.

I, too, realize that the striving in certain quarters is no longer for home and love and happy times, but for something new, even if it is merely for the sake of change, and that this infection of social unrest is quickly spreading downward from the Bluffs, touching the surface of our little community, if not yet troubling its depths.

After these had been duly admired, with some misgivings on my part, Ian jumped up suddenly, clapping his hand to his pocket, and coming close, so that he could rest upon my knee, he began pulling out shining new dimes and quarters, until his hands, moist and trembling with excitement, could hold no more, and he poured the coins into my lap.

At that fort, about twenty miles west from the encampment of the army, the Mormon marauding parties had their head-quarters and principal dépôt.

He resolved to establish winter-quarters in the vicinity of Fort Bridger, and on the 6th of November the advance towards that post commenced.

The place selected by Colonel Johnston for the winter-quarters of the army was on the bank of Black's Fork, about two miles above Fort Bridger, on a spot sheltered by high bluffs which rise abruptly from the bottom at a distance of five or six hundred yards from the channel of the stream.

The civil officers of the Territory fixed their quarters in a little nook in the wood above the military camp.

The Colonel, anticipating a change of encampment, determined not to construct quarters of logs or sod for the army.

As the head-quarters of the American Fur Company, and the entrepôt of the whole Northwest, all the trade in supplies and goods on the one hand, and in furs and products of the Indian country on the other, was in the hands of the parent establishment or its numerous outposts scattered along Lakes Superior and Michigan, the Mississippi, or through still more distant regions.

" As almost every one preferred braving the elements to remaining cooped up in the quarters we had occupied for the past week, we decided to trust ourselves to the little boat, spite of wind, and rain, and darkness, and in due time we reached the shore.

I have had to turn my own family out of their quarters, what with the commissioners and the lot of folks that has come in upon us.

A gentleman pointed out to me Fort Howard, on a projecting point of the opposite shore, about three-quarters of a mile distantthe old barracks, the picketed inclosure, the walls, all looking quaint, and, considering their modern erection, really ancient and venerable.

" I did not know it, but I expressed due pleasure at the information, and wishing Krissman all manner of success in his dreams of ambition, or rather, I should say, of avarice, for the hopes of "extra pay" evidently preponderated over those of fame, I returned to my own quarters.

The Major insisted on our taking possession at once of vacant quarters in the fort, instead of at "the Agency," as had been proposed.

After dinner Mrs. Twiggs showed me the quarters assigned to us, on the opposite side of the spacious hall.

A similar piece of workmanship had been erected in each set of quarters, to supply the deficiency of closets, an inconvenience which had never occurred, until too late, to the bachelors who planned them.

By this time my piano had been taken from its case and set up in our quarters.

"Among the many evils produced by the wars, which, with little intermission, have afflicted Europe, and extended their ravages into other quarters of the globe, for a period exceeding twenty years, the dispersion of a considerable portion of the inhabitants of different countries, in sorrow and in want, has not been the least injurious to human happiness, nor the least severe in the trial of human virtue.

14183 examples of  quarters  in sentences