40275 examples of question in sentences

The women in question are nothing but women of sentiment, and it is to sentiment that the Countess is attached.

You will understand from that how to manage a passion to render happiness enduring; you will see whether I know the human heart and true felicity; you will learn from my example that the economy of the sentiments is, in the question of love, the only reasonable metaphysics.

The question was discussed by Ninon and her "Birds" for several days without reaching an opinion that was in any manner satisfactory.

Presently, when through the reading of several passages, I shall have made you acquainted with the book as a whole, I shall demand of this tribunal the privilege of their accepting the question on these terms: Would this book, put into the hands of a young woman, have the effect of leading her towards easy pleasures, towards adultery, or, on the contrary, would it show her the danger of the first step, and bring upon her a shiver of horror?

The question thus put, your conscience would soon decide.

As to the moral purpose, it is so evident, so written in every line in terms so unequivocal that there was no need of raising the question.

Let us continue, I pray: "He did not dare to question her; but, seeing her so skilled, she must have passed, he thought, through every experience of suffering and of pleasure.

Oloof put the question, "If one man die so hard, how hard will die the three who yet are left?

But it was out of the question that any money matters should go right with Dick Sheridan.

But this is not the matter in hand; what prerogative this beauty hath, of what power and sovereignty it is, and how far such persons that so much admire, and dote upon it, are to be justified; no man doubts of these matters; the question is, how and by what means beauty produceth this effect?

Suetonius describes Julius Caesar to have been nigris vegetisque oculis micantibus, of a black quick sparkling eye: and although Averroes in his Colliget will have such persons timorous, yet without question they are most amorous.

It is a question much controverted by some wise men, forma debeat plus arti an naturae?

These are the sleepy rods with which their souls touched descend to hell; this the glue or lime with which the wings of the mind once taken cannot fly away; the devil's ministers to allure, entice," &c. Many young men and maids, without all question, are inveigled by these Eumenides and their associates.

'Tis their chiefest study to sing, dance; and without question, so many gentlemen and gentlewomen would not be so well qualified in this kind, if love did not incite them.

What fires, torments, cares, jealousies, suspicions, fears, griefs, anxieties, accompany such as are in love, I have sufficiently said: the next question is, what will be the event of such miseries, what they foretell.

" Yet without question, if it be taken in time, it may be helped, and by many good remedies amended.

But, without question, good counsel and advice must needs be of great force, especially if it shall proceed from a wise, fatherly, reverent, discreet person, a man of authority, whom the parties do respect, stand in awe of, or from a judicious friend, of itself alone it is able to divert and suffice.

"Tell me, sweetheart (saith Tryphena to a lovesick Charmides in [5701]Lucian), what is it that troubles thee? peradventure I can ease thy mind, and further thee in thy suit;" and so, without question, she might, and so mayst thou, if the patient be capable of good counsel, and will hear at least what may be said.

He makes a question of it.

The Grand Duke was out of the question, and Duchess Isabella d'Orsini, who had proved herself no friend of good omen, was in a plight very much like her own!

In a part of the basement-story was the lecture-room in question.

I readily promised to comply, glad of an opportunity to address so many of the future pastors of the American Churches, who will occupy the field when emancipation is sure to be the great question of the day.

On my venturing to inquire what sacrifice of property he had made in the undertaking, he seemed hurt at the question, and replied, "No sacrifice whatever, sir."

Really, the whole thing had the air of a brainless practical joke, yet his intellectual fairness forced him to admit that as far as the man who had given him the bill was concerned, brainlessness was out of the question, and joking improbable.

" "And somewhere down there we expect to find Lurton Zimbardo," declared Joe, more a statement than a question.

40275 examples of  question  in sentences