72 examples of quiescent in sentences

Sometimes it takes leaps, and sometimes appears for a time to be quiescent.

You possibly by this time may have explored all Italy, and toppled, unawares, into Etna, while you went too near those rotten-jawed, gap-toothed, old worn-out chaps of hell,while I am meditating a quiescent letter to the honest postmaster at Toulouse.


From June on to November it lies hot, still, and unbearable, sick with violent unrelieving storms; then on until April, chill, quiescent, drinking its scant rain and scanter snows; from April to the hot season again, blossoming, radiant, and seductive.

And very often they look very much alike under the microscope, especially when the cells are in certain quiescent stage of secretion.

In the husband it was quiescent; but in the wife, it was slightly shaded with the female esprit de corps, of having her daughters comfortably established, and that in due season.

As I knew that many persons had already examined them, and as I saw Dr. Johnson inspecting and measuring several of the ruins of which he has since given so full an account, my mind was quiescent; and I resolved to stroll among them at my ease, to take no trouble to investigate minutely, and only receive the general impression of solemn antiquity, and

Roumania is your granary, whence you draw For loyal turns a constant cornucopia; Belgium, quiescent under Culture's law, Serves as a type of Teutonised Utopia; And, as for U.S.A., They're scheduled to arrive behind The Day.

[movable object rendered unmovable] stuck, jammed; unremovable; quiescent &c 265; deterioration &c 659. indefeasible, irretrievable, intransmutable^, incommutable^, irresoluble^, irrevocable, irreversible, reverseless^, inextinguishable, irreducible; indissoluble, indissolvable^; indestructible, undying, imperishable, incorruptible, indelible, indeciduous^; insusceptible, insusceptible of change.

V. be quiescent &c adj.; stand still, lie still; keep quiet, repose, hold the breath. remain, stay; stand, lie to, ride at anchor, remain in situ, tarry, mark time; bring to, heave to, lay to; pull up, draw up; hold, halt; stop, stop short; rest, pause, anchor; cast to an anchor, come to an anchor; rest on one's oars; repose on one's laurels, take breath; stop &c (discontinue) 142. stagnate;

At this season plague mortality is generally quiescent; but this year, even if the last three months of it show no rise, the plague mortality will still be the worst that has ever been known, I think, in India's recorded annals.

There can be no doubt that we do not approach the data of perception in an attitude of quiescent resignation.

" At length, by much kind language, and by the prospect of many fabulous events to occur hereafter, invented at the moment by the old gentleman, the boy was coaxed into a more quiescent state, and trudged along in the rear of Mr. Moyesethat was the name of his purchaserto be fitted with the new suit of clothes.

I now strove to be entirely care-free and quiescent; and my conscience justified me in the attempt; though indeed it was not so successful as I could have wished.

Annibal Caracci was accused of an affectation of muscularity, and an undue parade of anatomical knowledge, even upon quiescent figures: But the artist whom we are now considering has no quiescent figures:even his repose is a state of rigid tension, if not extravagant distortion.

Annibal Caracci was accused of an affectation of muscularity, and an undue parade of anatomical knowledge, even upon quiescent figures: But the artist whom we are now considering has no quiescent figures:even his repose is a state of rigid tension, if not extravagant distortion.

The ruin of another will produce no profit to him who has not discernment to mark his advantage, courage to seize, and activity to pursue it; but the cold malignity of envy may be exerted in a torpid and quiescent state, amidst the gloom of stupidity, in the coverts of cowardice.

Eastward lay the Armenians, reviving, like the Greeks, after the ebb of the Arab flood, and the Arabs themselves, quiescent within their natural bounds and transfusing the wisdom of Aristotle and Hippokrates into their native culture.

The feat of Cyrus in turning the current of the Euphrates was the mere making of a short mill-race compared with the labor of lifting up these millions of acres bodily out of the flood that had covered and held them in quiescent solution since the world began.

In this emergency, we were compelled to drop our anchor, and remain quiescent until the fury of the elements had abated.

I should be glad to be informed if my opinion is correct; and I will only further observe, that the same remarks are applicable towards words beginning with "h." An horse sounds as bad as a hour; and it is obvious that in these cases employment of "A" or "An" is dictated by the consideration whether the aspirate is sounded or is quiescent, and has no reference to the spelling of the word.

CHAPTER XXIII FROWENFELD KEEPS HIS APPOINTMENT Doctor Keene, his ill-humor slept off, lay in bed in a quiescent state of great mental enjoyment.

She, too, was happy to-night, but happy also in a strange, subdued, quiescent way, and I felt, as I always did about her, that her soul was still asleep and untouched, and that much of her reliance and independence came from that.

I fancied to myself that the sea ought to make some sound, that it was holding itself deliberately quiescent in preparation for some event.

The first I remember of the mental experience, whatever it may have to be called, is, that I was coming awakereturning to myself after some period wherein consciousness had been quiescent.

72 examples of  quiescent  in sentences