25 examples of quixotisms in sentences

To do otherwise, even to hesitate, would be the emptiest quixotism....

But quixotism has its price.

A British coldness of blood damped as it were the Russian quixotism which would desire to see result follow upon actionto see the world make quicker progress than its Creator has decreed.

For the freak he had just indulged was rank quixotism, something which had as much place in the code of a man of his calling as milk of human kindness in the management of a pawnshop.

It might have been that quixotism had inspired his infatuate gesture, but it might quite as conceivably have been everyday vanity or plain cussedness: a noble impulse to serve a pretty lady in distress, a spontaneous device to engage her interest, or a low desire to plague a personality as antipathetic to his own as that of a rattlesnake.

They had been in love with each other before she had begun her career, and she would have married him then, but a sort of quixotism, which was highly honourable if nothing else, had withheld him.

Quixotism is a madness descended from the madness of the cross; therefore it is despised by reason; Don Quixote will not resign himself to either the world or its truth, to science or logic, to art or aesthetics, to morals or ethics.

" Again, speaking of what Ruskin sought to accomplish in the regeneration of modern society, and the reformation of our social ideals, and of that "heroic piece of Quixotism" he founded, "the Guild of St. George," Mr. Harrison remarks: "The first life of John Ruskin was the life of a consummate teacher of art and master of style; the second life was the life of priest and evangelist....

If you involve yourself in quixotisms you will have no career, nor will you get married, nor will you ever amount to anything.

"I was always telling you that these things were quixotisms.

violence &c 173; fierceness &c adj.; rage, fury, furor, furore^, desperation, madness, distraction, raving, delirium; phrensy^, frenzy, hysterics; intoxication; tearing passion, raging passion; anger &c 900. fascination, infatuation, fanaticism; Quixotism, Quixotry;

precipitancy, precipitation; impetuosity; levity; foolhardihood^, foolhardiness; heedlessness, thoughtlessness &c (inattention) 458; carelessness &c (neglect) 460; desperation; Quixotism, knight-errantry; fire eating.

I must confess, pursued the beautiful countess, this piece of quixotism very much veved me:I thought his friends in France deserved more from him than to be neglected for one who fled from him, and who, as the man said, he knew not whether he should be able ever to see again.

But in a romantic cause the conscientiousness of Miss Wimple, for all her seeming matter-of-fact, took on a quality of chivalry; and she displayed a Quixotism most tiltfully disposed toward any windmill of conventional proprieties that might plant itself in the way by which her beauteous and distressed damsel was to escape.

" "It seems as if you were going rather far in your quixotism to marry him.

Some of them laughed at my arguments, as a ridiculous piece of missionary quixotism.

The artist poet who coloured the virginal form of Poverty, with the briars beneath her feet and the roses blooming round her forehead, proved by his well-known canzone that he was free from monastic Quixotism, and took a practical view of the value of worldly wealth.

She could have won him at "Wake Robin" if some silly Quixotism hadn't steeled her breast against himmore than tat, she knew that in spite of herself she would have won him if it hadn't been for Hermia.

"Believe me, it is sheer Quixotism.

As to the vaunted popular sovereignty principle, Lincoln declared it "the most arrant Quixotism that was ever enacted before a community....

Scott accepted the trust and went to Charleston, and while humoring the nullification Quixotism existing there, he executed the purpose of his mission, by strengthening the defenses and reenforcing; the Federal forts.

"You must have been surprized to see among the list of members arrested, the name of Laurent Lecointre; but he could never be pardoned for having reduced the Convention to the embarrassing necessity of prosecuting Robespierre's associates, and he is now secured, lest his restless Quixotism should remind the public, that the pretended punishment of these criminals is in fact only a scandalous impunity.

"You must have been surprized to see among the list of members arrested, the name of Laurent Lecointre; but he could never be pardoned for having reduced the Convention to the embarrassing necessity of prosecuting Robespierre's associates, and he is now secured, lest his restless Quixotism should remind the public, that the pretended punishment of these criminals is in fact only a scandalous impunity.

No man could have acted more generously and wisely under these cruel circumstances than he did, but it was, perhaps, going to an extreme of Quixotism, that he concealed the real state of the case, and let the public blame him as it would.

But, Jack,”—he bent toward me kindly,—“Jack, you mustn’t be led away by any mere quixotism into laying the foundation of your own fortune.

25 examples of  quixotisms  in sentences