293 examples of quizzed in sentences

Now I was never fond of being quizzed, and in that company I could not endure it.

The rebel we quizzed yesterday says that there are five fords between the Warrenton pike bridgethat's just ahead of us yonder at the end of the road we are onthe last one is McLean's Ford, at the very knuckle of the elbow that is crooked toward us a mile west of where we were yesterday.

Sanborn growled under his breath, and when some one else in the dugout quizzed him curiously he burst out: "I'll bet you galoots the state of California against a dill pickle that when your turn comes you'll be sick in your gizzards!" "We'll take our medicine," came in the soft, quiet voice of Purcell.

Charlie quizzed her with a word, and then turned to Edwin Clayhanger for support.

Padre Millon did not belong to the common crowd who each year change their subject in order to acquire scientific knowledge, students among other students, with the difference only that they follow a single course, that they quiz instead of being quizzed, that they have a better knowledge of Castilian, and that they are not examined at the completion of the course.

The Duke of Cumberland stood at the King's left hand, and quizzed the people as they passed.

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That you should not even have understood that you were being quizzed!

A poet of to-day would be quizzed for a line like the above, but who dare venture to point out any defect in an author of whom Voltaire has said and with justice too, that the only criticism to be made of him (Racine) would be to write under every page: "Admirable, harmonieux, sublime!"

Any guy with a head on his shoulders knows the valet of a murdered man is going to be quizzed by the police.

Most of you know the story of the Scotch rustic who was quizzed by an English tourist, who surprised him at his mid-day meal of brose.

It was too orderly and sober and old-fashioned for Lord Byron's taste, and he quizzed it accordingly; but he admitted the kindliness of it, and the amiability which made guests glad to go there and sorry to come away.

" "It was a piece of good luck, too, after all," said Miss Craydocke, in her simple way, never knowing, or choosing to know, that she was snubbed or quizzed.

Mr. Douglas told me so, or rather I quizzed him until I found it out.

The "Clubs" are next recommended for those fond of solitude, and their satin luxuries humorously quizzed; but "the Colonial System," which follows, has more causticity.

While they were waiting for Mr. Madera, Captain Marks-Owens quizzed Gene further.

"How is it different from the oak veining?" quizzed Helen.

"Naturally," quizzed Miranda, with her merriest wrinkles.

Widow quizzed in doctor's death.

Widow quizzed in doctor's death.

From Zoilus to the penny newspapers, never has there been criticism, penned or spoken, so bitterly pungent as some of the grave laudatory articles, by which authors are now quizzed down to zero in the popular reviews.

"'Then how does it come that you are at liberty?' quizzed the attorney.

Then she criticized all the ladies in the room, which only drew my attention more admiringly upon herself; and she quizzed all the young men, whereby I felt indirectly flattered, without exactly knowing why; and she praised Dalrymple in terms for which I could have embraced her on the spot had she been ten times less pretty, and ten times less fascinating.

Ramsay was quizzed for Whiggish tendencies.

No, no, Tom, I can't have old Raymond quizzed; I'll get him out of it when the leading-strings are cut.

293 examples of  quizzed  in sentences