1642 examples of r in sentences

Either R's or the Devil's.

He has three daughters, handsome and highly accomplished, and one son; one of them was married to General R, but is since divorced; the second is married to a young colonel of Hussars, and the third is still unmarried; but being very young, handsome, accomplished and rich, there will be no lack of suitors whenever she is disposed to accept the connubial chain.

I started from Rome on the 26th September; in the same vettura I found an intelligent young Frenchman of the name of R D, a magistrate in Corsica, who was travelling in Italy for his amusement.

We returned, Mr R D and I, from our visit to Vesuvius, half dead with fatigue from having had little or no rest the whole night, about three o'clock to Naples.

At daylight Mr R D proposed to ascend the two cones in spite of the remonstrances of our guide Salvatore, who told us that no person had yet been there and that we must expect to be crushed to death by the stones, should an eruption take place, and that it was almost as much madness to attempt it, as it would be to walk before a battery of cannon in the act of being fired.

What'n thunder 'r' y' abaout, y' darned Portagee?" said a sharp, resolute voice.

The language appears to want entirely the consonant sounds of f, l, r, v, and x. In conjugating their verbs, the three primary tenses are well made out, but it is doubtful how much exactitude exists in the forms given for the oblique and conditional tenses.

The letter r is dropped, or sounded au.

In words of their own language, the letters f, l, r, v, and x, do not occur.

It would be necessary to restore to its alphabet the consonants f, l, and r, and v. Its primitive pronouns might be retained, with simple inflections, instead of compound, for plural.

Away in the banked timber beyond the maples and alder which Stella now saw masked the bank of a small stream flowing by the cabins, a faint call rose, long-drawn: "Tim-ber-r-r-r!" They moved along a path beaten through fern and clawing blackberry vine toward the camp, Benton carrying the two grips.

Away in the banked timber beyond the maples and alder which Stella now saw masked the bank of a small stream flowing by the cabins, a faint call rose, long-drawn: "Tim-ber-r-r-r!" They moved along a path beaten through fern and clawing blackberry vine toward the camp, Benton carrying the two grips.

The sawyers would drop lightly from their springboards, crying: "Tim-ber-r-r-r!" The earthward swoop of the upper boughs would hasten till the air was full of a whistling, whishing sound.

I was put into such a passion of rage by this blatant ribaldry, which affected me like the laughter of a skeleton, that I rushed from the car, with the intention, I believe, of seeking stones to stone it: but no stones were there: and I had to stand impotently enduring that rape of my eyes, its victoriously-dogged iteration, its taunting leer, its Drink RoboralD, R, I, N, K R, O, B, O, R, A, L.

I was put into such a passion of rage by this blatant ribaldry, which affected me like the laughter of a skeleton, that I rushed from the car, with the intention, I believe, of seeking stones to stone it: but no stones were there: and I had to stand impotently enduring that rape of my eyes, its victoriously-dogged iteration, its taunting leer, its Drink RoboralD, R, I, N, K R, O, B, O, R, A, L.

I was put into such a passion of rage by this blatant ribaldry, which affected me like the laughter of a skeleton, that I rushed from the car, with the intention, I believe, of seeking stones to stone it: but no stones were there: and I had to stand impotently enduring that rape of my eyes, its victoriously-dogged iteration, its taunting leer, its Drink RoboralD, R, I, N, K R, O, B, O, R, A, L.

[Footnote: The letter r has dropped out in Coptic through phonetic decay.] and was taken over by the translators of the Holy Scriptures from that language to express the words "God" and "Lord."

At the battle of Aboukir, with a single division and with a loss of only three hundred men, he whipped the great army of the Turks, and hustled more than half of them into the sear-r-rahlike that!

That word "watch," was R word in season to Edith, she had prayed but had well nigh forgotten to watch.

U R 2 know her I was all SQ. L8 she was, and prattling like AJ.

"Don-I-DonDid; W-Ewe; Toc-ac-K-Etake; Toc-H-Ethe; Toc-R-E-N-C-Htrench; ac-ac-ac.

"The noise, the great c-r-rash, the shoutings, the little squeals, and then the peoples running, the glasses breakingtinkletinkleyou have seen the smoke, thick black smoke, and smellingpah!" He wrinkled his nose with disgust.

H. R. Bowers) Chief Stoker Lashly 355 Petty Officer Crean 355 Pitching the Double Tent on the Summit 358 (Photo by Lieut H R Bowers)

When winter come I go back in the heel, trap ze fur-r, Madame, ze cat, ze h'ottaire, ze meenk, sometime ze coon, also ze skonk.

"Murray's Gram., p. 217; Guy's, 90; R G. Smith's, 180; Ingersoll's, 153; Fisk's, 144; J. M. Putnam's, 137; Weld's, 190, Weld's Imp.

1642 examples of  r  in sentences