9 examples of rafe in sentences

They could hear the tramp of horses, how many they could not judge, and then a gruff voice demanding: "You, Rafe, what ye up to?

Rafe's got some of Hinton's best sorghum whiskyyou, there, nigger, get us a jug and some cups.

" Jack and Barney were forced to laugh at the big-eyed wonder in old Rafe's eyes when he was informed of the imposing part he was to play in the warlike comedy.

The troopers, too tipsy and subdued to remark the sudden paucity of the force that had overcome them, were tied upon their own steeds, Barney in front of the leader, and Rafe and his son in charge of the two others.

Rafe led the way in trembling triumph.

My nomination Radulph is, or Ralph: Vulgars corruptly use to call me Rafe.

DialogueThe Maniac Miss Willie Lane, A.C. Richmond, Rafe May, and Master A. Pryon DialogueFather, Dear Father; or The Fruits of Drunkenness John E. Bush, W.A.M. Cypers, Wm.

Have a heart, Rafe!" "Bull!" sneered the Honorable Rafe.

Have a heart, Rafe!" "Bull!" sneered the Honorable Rafe.

9 examples of  rafe  in sentences