24 examples of raga in sentences

Why, man, when you've been moving furniture and taking up carpets and ripping out fireplaces for an hour or two that coat of yours will be a raga veritable rag that the ragman himself would be dubious about buying.

The work of Sur Das was of special importance for in one of his compositions he took each of the thirty-six traditional modes of Indian music-the Ragas and Raginisbut instead of celebrating them as separate 'musical characters,' appended to each a love-poem about Krishna.

Although one copy of the Rasika Priya and one of the Bhagavata Purana were executed at both these centres, their chief subjects were the ragas and raginis (the thirty-six modes of Indian music) nayakas and nayikas (the ideal lovers) and barahmasas (the twelve months) while in the case of Malwa, there was the added theme of Sanskrit love-poetry.

The musical mode, Bhairava Raga, for example, was actually associated with Siva, yet because the character of the music suggested furious passion the central figure of the lover dallying with a lady was depicted as Krishna.

In Hindola Raga, a mode connected with swinging, a similar result ensued.

Since Krishna, however, was the perfect lover, nothing was easier than to portray Hindola Raga as Krishna himself.

An exactly similar process occurred in the case of Megh Mallar Raga.

From 1693, the year of Raja Kirpal's death, painting at Basohli concentrated mainly on portraying rulers and on illustrating ragas and raginisthe poems which interpreted the moods and spirit of music.

Ragas and Raginis (Calcutta, 1934).

20-29, 31-39 Ragas and Raginis, modes of Indian music, 84, 101, 102, 107, pls.

Hindola Raga ('the swinging music') Malwa, Middle India, c. 1750 Victoria and Albert Museum, London A poem celebrating one of the main modes of Indian music is here represented by Radha and Krishna seated on a swing.

[Illustration] PLATE 34 Krishna attended by Ladies Illustration to the musical mode, Bhairava Raga Hyderabad.

One of the finest series of raga and ragini pictures executed at Hyderabad and now in the India Office Library, London, contains exquisite versions with Krishna themes.

Among the most desperate and successful pirates of the present day, Raga is most distinguished.

It was about the year 1813 Raga commenced operations on a large scale.

One of which, the Elk, Capt. Reynolds, was attacked during the night by Raga's own proa, who unfortunately was not on board at the time.

This proa which Raga personally commanded, and the loss of which he frequently laments, carried eight guns and was full of his best men.

An European vessel was faintly descried about three o'clock one foggy morning; the rain fell in torrents; the time and weather were favorable circumstances for a surprise, and the commander determined to distinguish himself in the absence of the Rajah Raga, gave directions to close, fire the guns and board.

The proa was sunk by repeated broadsides, and the commanding officer refused to pick up any of the people, who, with the exception of five were drowned; these, after floating four days on some spars, were picked up by a Pergottan proa, and told the story to Raga, who swore anew destruction to every European he should henceforth take.

The western coast of Celebes, for about 250 miles, is absolutely lined with proas belonging principally to three considerable rajahs, who act in conjunction with Raga and other pirates.

The largest of these proas belonged to Raga, who received by the fleet of proas, in which I came, his regular supplies of arms and ammunition from Singapore.

Here nestle the principal pirates, and Raga holds his head quarters; his grand depot was a few miles farther up.

The Raga gave me a pressing invitation to spend a couple of days at his country house, but all the Bugis' nacodahs strongly dissuaded me from such an attempt.

All the goods in the bazaar belonged to the rajah, and were sold on his account; large quantities were said to be in his house up the river; but on all hands it was admitted Raga and his followers had by far the largest part of what was taken.

24 examples of  raga  in sentences