59 examples of rais in sentences

The three following songs were written by Mashdud, Rakeek, and Rais, three of the most celebrated improvisators in Bagdad, at an entertainment given by Abou Isy.

DIALOGUE BY RAIS Rais: Maid of sorrow, tell us why Sad and drooping hangs thy head? Is it grief that bids thee sigh? Is it sleep that flies thy bed? Lady: Ah!

DIALOGUE BY RAIS Rais: Maid of sorrow, tell us why Sad and drooping hangs thy head? Is it grief that bids thee sigh? Is it sleep that flies thy bed? Lady: Ah!

The most skilful rais his ports can furnish made an attempt lately, and was blown up and down for months on the coasts of Spain and Portugal, being at last driven into the Straits by almost miraculous interposition.

Struggling against wind and current with their Moorish rais at the helm, encouraging their labours by crying out first one thing, then another, as his fancy dictated, the crew repeated in chorus all he said:"Khobsah!"

(a loaf) cried the rais.

" "A loaf you shall have when you return!" cried the rais.

"Pull, pull; God hears and sees you!" cried the rais.

swore the rais.

But the punitive measures taken by General Dyer, Col. Frank Johnson, Col. O'Brien, Mr. Bosworth Smith, Rai Shri Ram Sud, Mr. Malik Khan and other officers were out of all proportional to the crime of the people and amounted to wanton cruelty and inhumanity and almost unparalleled in modern times.

Brass pots were being scoured in the doorways; babies sprawled in the sun; a smell of cooking sweetmeats filled the air; a band of small urchins in the roadway, wearing the sham accoutrements of war, was prancing blithely to the song of "Lang-taraf-Tippalaerlee," and as their leader pulled up to give me a grave and perfect salute I recognised the son of old Bahadur Rai.

Now Bahadur Rai would be returning, and, as I recalled the man, I wondered how he would take the news of Bibi, his capricious wife, for I had heard (unofficially) that she had no intention of leaving the lines of the 2nd Battalion, or the dashing young Naik Indrase.

Then the door opened and with a confederate mysterious air the orderly announced Bahadur Rai.

Yes, he can keep Bibi," added Bahadur Rai without bitterness.

He threw the wood up-on the cin-ders on the hearth, and quick-ly rais-ed a cheer-ful blaze, at which he warm-ed his na-ked, swol-len feet, as he watch-ed the smoke ma-king its fan-tas-tic ed-dies up the wide chim-ney, and a-midst the raf-ters of the low roof.

the battle began to be fierce; nor would there have been many actions equally memorable, had not the combatants been separated by a shower of rai

3. Correct Bradley, in the division of the following words: "Jes-ter, rai-ny, forg-e-ry, fin-e-ry, spic-e-ry, brib-e-ry, groc-e-ry, chi-can-e-ry, fer-riage, line-age, cri-ed, tri-ed, -ed, slic-ed, forc-ed, pledg-ed, sav-ed, dup-ed, strip-ed, touch-ed, trounc-ed."Improved Spelling-Book: Windsor, 1815.

Lady of Nantes and of Guerrand! of Rais and of Toufon and Guerche!"

The Lady of Nantes and of Guerrand! of Rais and of Toufon and Guerche!...

The Saint and the devil: Joan of Arc and Gilles De Rais; a biographical study in good and evil.

The Saint and the devil: Joan of Arc and Gilles De Rais; a biographical study in good and evil.

"I was rais' a Catholic, but when I come here twant

The rais, or captain, took my hand in his, and pressed his own to his lips, in token of gratitude; and when upon the return of Mohammed he perceived that I was rather nervous at the idea of crossing the plank from the boat to the shore, he plunged at once into the water to assist me over it.

The opening with the description of the lark is famous Quant vey la lauzeta mover De joi sas alas contral rai, que s'oblida e·s laissa cazer per la doussor qu'al cor li vai, ai!

Domna, verge pura e fina, ans que fos l'enfantamens, et apres tot eissamens, receup en vos carn humana Jesu Crist, nostre salvaire, si com ses trencamen faire intra·l bels rais, quan solelha, per la fenestra veirina.

59 examples of  rais  in sentences