Do we say raise or rise

raise 5676 occurrences

"Well, I do'no';want to eat 'em or raise 'em?" "Both, I believe," was my meek answer.

" "I suppose so; but Mrs. Smith's turkeys have all died, and she likes to raise them.

London is like a shelled corn-cob on the Derby day, and there is not a clerk who could raise the money to hire a saddle with an old hack under it that can sit down on his office-stool the next day without wincing.

Compared with these, Italian trills are tame; The tickled ears no heart-felt raptures raise; Nae unison hae they with our Creator's praise.

Oh never, never Scotia's realm desert, But still the patriot and the patriot-bard In bright succession raise, her ornament and guard!

Now like a mighty wind they raise to Heaven the voice of song, Or like harmonious thunderings the seats of Heaven among, Beneath them sit the agèd men, wise guardians of the poor; Then cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from your door.

But we're getting close to the camp now, and, if he is around, I'll soon raise him like I did before.

Let others raise from earthly things their praise; Heaven hath stood still to hear my happy ayres And ceast th'eternall Musicke of the Spheares To marke my voyce and mend their tunes by mine.

See how Fate workes unto their purpos'd end And without all selfe-Industry will raise Whom they determine to make great and happy.

Mother, thou didst deservedly in this, That from a private and sure state didst raise My fortunes to this slippery hill of greatnesse Where I can neither stand nor fall with life.

Nor let the Generall thinke I soyle his worth In that I raise this forward youth so neare Those honours he deserves from Genzericke; For he may live to serve my Henrick thus, And growing vertue must not want reward.

You, noble Hubert, are the man chosen out From all our Vandal Leaders to be chiefe O'er a new army, which the King will raise To roote out from our land these Christians That over-runne us.

'Tis a glory, Hubert, Will raise your fame and make you like our gods, To please whom you must do this.

His little hands, which had been in his pockets, went up in a moment to raise his hat, so that he might see the world, the big object he had come to see; and immediately in went two other hands, and out came the savings of John's lifetwo precious half-crowns, which he had shown to me with great pride that very morning!

And as to storms, we know there are such things; and it is no worse that evil spirits raise them, than that they rise.'

Lord Gardenston, one of our judges, collected money to raise a monument to him at this place, which I hope will be well executed.

Warburton is an exception; though his learning alone did not raise him.

But it is to raise envy to the Living, to compare them with the Dead.

But this hinders not, that Sudden Thought may be represented in Verse: since those thoughts are such, as must be higher than Nature can raise them without premeditation, especially, to a continuance of them, even out of Verse:

'Tis a 'Rule and Line' by which he keeps his building compact and even; which, otherwise, lawless Imagination would raise, either irregularly or loosely.

For I do own I had rather read good verses, than either Blank Verse or Prose; and therefore the author did himself injury, if he like Verse so well in Plays, to lay down Rules to raise arguments, only unanswerable against himself.

I said, You’re very hard; Take care, don’t raise my dander, For I’m a regular knowing card, The Queensland overlander.

They abstain from every article of food which has ever had life, and drink no wine, but raise abundance of corn.

But they doo onely strive themselves to raise Through pompous pride, and foolish vanitie; In th'eyes of people they put all their praise, And onely boast of armes and auncestrie: But vertuous deeds, which did those armes first give To their grandsyres, they care not to atchive.

Sith I no more finde worthie to commend 465 For prize of value, or for learned lore: For noble peeres, whom I was wont to raise, Now onely seeke for pleasure, nought for praise.

rise 10691 occurrences

The latter, which is called Christ's Message, took its rise from Luke iv.

that rages unconfined, And crowds with crimes the records of mankind For gold his sword the hireling ruffian draws, For gold the hireling judge distorts the laws; Wealth heap'd on wealth, nor truth, nor safety buys, The dangers gather as the treasures rise.

But nothough in my ardent breast, The fires of love must ever rise, Th' adverse circles of my fate, Forbid the outward sacrifice.

Arrived before Abbas, he did not dare lift his eyes, lest he should see the fatal aigrette, and the false diamond rise up in judgment against him.

Not yet aware that the higher we rise in rank, the harder we find it to be virtuous, he was for ever flattering himself with the future.

The wind wafts them away, and we know not where they fall, or when they may rise; but this we know, they meet us at every step upon the path of life, and strew it with plants of bitterness.

A GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN BRITISH HERALDRY, with a Chronological Table illustrative of its Rise and Progress.

In melody and expression they are of varying degrees of merit and completeness, but in the inspiring ideal they consistently embody they rise to heights which have been scaled only by the noblest.

Gazing, my trancèd spirit straightway flies Beyond the zone to which the stars aspire; I hear the blent notes of the white-wing'd quire Around Immortal Love triumphant rise.

And in the silent whispers and the sighs That from the throbbing heart of Nature rise, I hear thee, feel thee,own thy presence there.

Her influence bids our talents rise 'Neath Love and Fancy's native skies! I heard an infant's lisping tongue Address his mother's smiling eye, And fondly ask his favourite song His soul seemed wrapt in harmony; She sungand gave the cheering kiss, Which made the poet's fortune his.

But the exhibition is overthe ladies leave the roomand after another hour of silence, more profound than that of the grave, all the images simultaneously rise up andno wonder people believe in ghostsdisappear.

He learned what it was to rise at dawn and go thud-thud-thudding down a dirt road for endless weary miles.

They feel as if, while the proper sun was rising in the east, some other and unexpected sun had begun to rise in the north-north-west by north.

Men of science (not being raving lunatics) never said that there had been "an incessant rise in the scale of being;" for an incessant rise would mean a rise without any relapse or failure; and physical evolution is full of relapse and failure.

Men of science (not being raving lunatics) never said that there had been "an incessant rise in the scale of being;" for an incessant rise would mean a rise without any relapse or failure; and physical evolution is full of relapse and failure.

Men of science (not being raving lunatics) never said that there had been "an incessant rise in the scale of being;" for an incessant rise would mean a rise without any relapse or failure; and physical evolution is full of relapse and failure.

" The old gentleman, who corresponded with the "Gentleman's Magazine," and remembered Dryden before the rise of his fortunes, mentions his suit of plain drugget, being, by the bye, the same garb in which he has clothed Flecnoe, who "coarsely clad in Norwich drugget came.

We may take this opportunity to review the effect which the rise of Dryden's reputation had upon his private fortune and habits of life.

We must now return to Rochester, who, observing Settle's rise to his unmerited elevation in the public opinion, became as anxious to lower his presumption as he had formerly been to diminish the reputation of Dryden.

" The cry made men rise up as though vomited forth by the earth; from mouth to mouth it leaped, repeating itself incessantly, penetrating through the docks and the boats, vibrating even beyond the reach of the eye, permeating everywhere with the confusion and rapidity of sound waves.

The first surprise having vanished, they seemed disposed to rise up and fall upon the recent arrival.

Death took her as she tried to rise from the sofa and break from her sisters' arms that would have laid her there.

They shall rise.

The rise of European civilization.

Do we say   raise   or  rise