47 examples of raiser in sentences

One good wheat-raiser is worth a dozen soldiers.

But the Emperor's genius is mercantile, and he is determined to support his Imperial traders; and his conduct, after all, is only the calculation of a raiser.

But either he was a dycer, a drunkard, a maker of shift, A picker, or cut-purse, a raiser of simulation, Or such a one as run away with another man's wife.

What a Raiser of Doctrines!

'We dined early to go to the play,' she said, 'and as there's a curtain-raiser, I thought I might as well take a hansom and join them later.

Nay; no ghost-raiser hast thou made thy friend.

Another way of amusin him, is to give him a raiser, and let him play learn to shave.

Mike's end-of-term report was an unfailing wind raiser; indeed, on the arrival of Mr. Blake's sarcastic resume of Mike's shortcomings at the end of the previous term, there had been something not unlike a typhoon.

He was not, indeed, the first raiser of the question of Parliamentary Reform, but he was the first to produce an elaborate scheme with that object, parts of which, such as the suppression of the smaller boroughs and the enfranchisement of places which had gradually become more important, have been leading features of every subsequent bill on the subject.

But you know whom I mean, the Pym-praiser not pimp-raiser.

You wouldn't think no woman would look without shiverin' at that hell-raiser.

As they hurried for the barn Kilrain asked: "What makes the chief act soft to that hell-raiser?"

The pearls went to his younger brother Roderick a sheep raiser in Australia who had amassed a fortune and discarded the title.

The sheep raiser married an Australian girl and gave her the pearls.

The sheep raiser and his father-in-law had both been reported to be wallowing in money.

"Good as a three-ring circus, ain't it?" said an English voice at my side; "most of their plays run on for nine months or so, but this particular show only lasts six weeks, the merest curtain-raiser.

Curtain raiser.

Curtain raiser.

you read STANLEY'S book yet? Miss Tabula Raiser.

If, therefore, a stock-raiser has not decided to drive his Shorthorn cow or Southdown ewe immediately from the Fair-grounds to the butcher's shambles, he runs an imminent risk of losing entirely the use and value of the animal.

Similarly the horse-raiser will breed for race horses or dray horses as the case may be, and the system works with almost mechanical certainty.

Mr. Croly also referred to gifts of this kind in the New York Worldthirty varieties of grapes raised under and in proof of the "law of correlation, expounded by the raiser as the law which held us of the world together.

Talk like you was slinging around last night is about as good a trouble-raiser as if you emptied both them guns of yours into that crowd out there.

A bread-raiser purposely arranged for keeping the bread at proper temperature is a great convenience.

It is like a funny little curtain-raiser, with jealousy as a gray-haired Cupid.

47 examples of  raiser  in sentences