728 examples of raisins in sentences

Raisins and dried fruits for puddings should be carefully picked, and, in many cases, stoned.

lb. of suet, 3/4 lb. of raisins weighed after being stoned, 3/4 lb. of flour, 1/2 pint of milk, 1/4 saltspoonful of salt.

Prepare the suet, by carefully freeing it from skin, and chop it finely; stone the raisins, and cut them in halves, and mix both these ingredients with the salt and flour; moisten the whole with the above proportion of milk, stir the mixture well, and tie the pudding in a floured cloth, which has been previously wrung out in boiling water.

INGREDIENTS.2 oz. of raisins, a few thin slices of bread and butter, 3 eggs, 1 pint of milk, sugar to taste, 1/4 nutmeg.

Butter a pudding-basin, and line the inside with a layer of raisins that have been previously stoned; then nearly fill the basin with slices of bread and butter with the crust cut off, and, in another basin, beat the eggs; add to them the milk, sugar, and grated nutmeg; mix all well together, and pour the whole on to the bread and butter; let it stand 1/2 hour, then tie a floured cloth over it; boil for 1 hour, and serve with sweet sauce.

INGREDIENTS.1/2 lb. of bread crumbs, 4 oz. of suet, 1/4 lb. of stoned raisins, 3/4 lb. of carrot, 1/4 lb. of currants, 3 oz. of sugar, 3 eggs, milk, 1/4 nutmeg.

Mrs. Parlin sent her into the kitchen with a message to Norah concerning the turkey; but she forgot it on the way, and stood by Norah's elbow gazing at the raisins, fruit, and other nice things in a maze.

He followed the cold stars by night and the easy landmarks by day, and for food he had the stock of raisins he had bought at Johnstown.

But raisins are meager support for such a bulk as that of Bull Hunter.

Or if it happened by chance that any one could not fast so long as till supper, their only set meal, he took nothing but a bit of dry bread, or at most a few raisins or some such slight thing with it, to stay his stomach.

With none of these puddings ought we to mix any fruits, green or driednot even raisins.

Add 1/2 cup candied cherries, cook 5 minutes; skim out, add 1/2 cup large Malaga raisins in clusters of two or three.

Cook 10 minutes, remove raisins and add 18 small sweet cucumber pickles and cook 10 minutes.

Arrange in glass jar in closely packed layers, putting raisins in first, then cherries, then pickles; repeat until jar is full.

Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 cup raisins cut in pieces and 1/4 cup nut meats cut in pieces.

Double the amount of flour may be used, nuts and raisins omitted, and mixture chilled and rolled out and cut in any desired shape, before baking.

BRAN MUFFINS Beat 1 egg until light, add 2 tablespoons molasses or sugar 1 cup milk 1 cup bran 1/2 cup Graham flour or entire wheat flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 cup seedless raisins.

In the city of Yezd there is abundance of all kinds of victuals, especially of figs, grapes, and raisins, which are there more plentiful, in my opinion, than in any other part of the world.

It was made of Miss Roberta's finest white flour, and eggs there were in it and butter, and it contained, besides, three raisins, an olive, and a prune.

Oranges and raisins have been bought, and she is to sit outside the door and sell them.

But at last there came five donkeys very heavily loaded with oranges and raisins, in charge of six men, which was a more than liberal allowance.

No. 2 Baked apple pudding Barley fruit pudding Barley fig pudding Blackberry cornstarch pudding Cocoanut and cornstarch blancmange Cornstarch blancmange cornstarch with raisins Cornstarch with apples Cornstarch fruit mold

Rice snowball Rice fruit dessert Rice dumpling Rice cream pudding Rice pudding with raisins Red rice mold

Cream filling Grape tart Lemon filling Tapioca filling Apple custard pie Banana pie Bread pie Carrot pie Cocoanut pie Cocoanut pie No. 2 Cream pie Cranberry pie Dried apple pie Dried apple pie with raisins Dried apricot

Spread over it some dates which have been washed, dried, and stoned, raisins, currants, or chopped figs.

728 examples of  raisins  in sentences