866 examples of raking in sentences

Boys are raking them in the streets, if only for the pleasure of dealing with such clean crisp substances.

Raking the shingles, and the sea-worn rocks Sucking the brine through bared and lapping locks Of bright, brown tangle; while the shelving ledges Poured back the swirling waters o'er their edges; And billows breaking on a precipice In spouts of spray, fell spreading like a fleece.

Still, even Photius, when raking together the most minute points of difference between him and his adversaries, did not introduce this one.

at the same time raking the horse's sides sharply again with the spurs.

Flip Williams, spurs raking the flanks of Dorsey's stallion, looked around.

Nikolai now fired again, his bullet going in at the chest, raking him the entire length, and lodging under the skin at the hind knee joint.

He pranced sideways a little and shook his head up and down in an effort to regain his former temper, but that iron hand kept his nose down, now, and that quiet voice sounded above himno cursing, no raking of sharp spurs to torture his tender flanks, no whir of the quirt, but a calm voice of authority and understanding.

"Ay, I'd rather go raking night and day myself," said she bitterly, and on the point of crying.

"An' ef you niggers," he continued, raking the coals together over a fresh bar of iron, "would stop wastin' yo' money on 'scursions to put money in w'ite folks' pockets, an' stop buildin' fine chu'ches, an' buil' houses fer yo'se'ves, you 'd git along much faster.

Again we see the men with long and pointed whiskers, the women with ballooning skirts, bag nets for the hair, and little bonnets or porkpie hats, a feather raking fore and aft.

To how many a disappointed cook that simile must come home when first she gets down in the morning!" He took the poker and began raking gently between the bars.

The lad stood raking me with a steady fire from his blue eyes.

I pictured it blotted from sight by the hell of shells bursting over it, and raking its slopes as the Canadians charged upward.

you certainly have been A little raking, roguish creature, And in that face may still be seen Each laughing love's bewitching feature!

If these are, as the writer's more thorough-going admirers would tell us, the depths of human nature, we do not see what good can be expected from raking them up,not for the benefit of those whom the warnings may concern (for these are not likely to heed any warnings which may be presented in such a form), but for the amusement of ordinary readers in hours of idleness and relaxation.

Early in the spring, after the last snow-storm, when the flowers begin to bud (early in the month of May), the women and children go into the timber and prepare a large bed, clearing away the underbrush, weeds and grass and leaves and sticks, raking the ground till the earth is thoroughly pulverized.

It was pretty work to see four or five cradlers in a field and others following them raking the wheat in bunches and others following binding them in bundles.

To one like myself who had read of the Continental gambling-houses with the clink of gold pieces on the table, and the croupier with his wooden rake noisily raking in the winnings of the bank, the comparative silence of the American game comes as a surprise.

"Bad luck, old mansure!" purred the consolatory Stockman, raking the pot.

O Sub! you certainly have been, A little raking, roguish creature, And in that face may still be seen, Each laughing loves bewitching feature!

Once when she had given him a raking over for the temper he displayed toward me in her presence, he had said: "You know I couldn't get angry at you, no matter what you said; I owe you too much.

A single lad, the youngest, would be raking the fire together and keeping it alight, but the rest stood lounging about and looking in every other direction, with the air of discharging mechanically a traditional office from which all zest had evaporated.

What might be expected, when a few noble men succeed in transporting the worst features of their own country, in such numbers of intractable people, the raking of seaports, with little on board in the way of religion, save the traditions of the Church and the materials for exhibiting the drama of the Mass!

The canoe was nearly of the same description as those commonly seen at the Brumer and Dufaure Islands, but the outrigger float was rather shorter, having only five poles to support it instead of seven or eight, and the bow and stern, especially the former, much sharper and more raking.

Suppose an eminence of about five or six feet already collected, in a circular form; on the heap is a man raking about, and

866 examples of  raking  in sentences