22 examples of ramblings in sentences




Fired with a perusal of the Abyssinian Pilgrim's exploratory ramblings after the cradle of the infant Nilus, we well remember on one fine summer holyday (a "whole day's leave" we called it at Christ's Hospital) sallying forth at rise of sun, not very well provisioned either for such an undertaking, to trace the current of the New RiverMiddletonian stream!to its scaturient source, as we had read, in meadows by fair Amwell.

In his "Letter to Southey" (Vol. I.), which contained Lamb's protest against Southey's strictures, he wrote:"I am at a loss what particular essay you had in view (if my poor ramblings amount to that appellation) when you were in such a hurry to thrust in your objection, like bad news, foremost.

In one tawny arm he used to carry a heavy bunch of wild sunflowers that he gathered in his aimless ramblings.

After that time I halted in my ramblings whenever I came in sight of the plum bush.

But when they sport abroad, and rove from home, And leave the cooling hive, and quit the unfinished comb, Their airy ramblings are with ease confined, Clip their king's wings, and if they stay behind No bold usurper dares invade their right, Nor sound a march, nor give the sign for flight.

After a few aimless and unprofitable ramblings, they made their way again to Oxley's Tableland, and Sturt and Hume, with two men, made a journey to the west, with only a negative result.

three volumes of high-spirited ramblings something in the manner of Tristram Shandy, nominally written by Marmaduke Merrywhistle, and published in 1822.

Hitherto in our ramblings through the houses we had only come across a few pieces of this gold brocade; but as luck would have it, on the last day in which I joined N in his duties he had received information from a native that a large store of kincob was concealed in the house of a merchant who had dealt in that material.

She worked for her people, talked with Don Teodoro, talked, smiled, laughed with Gianluca, and bore the old Duchessa's ramblings with patience and kindness.

E'en so thy visionary scenes I hail; That like the ramblings of an idiot's speech, No image giving of a thing on earth.

Shining scraps of mountain mineralsgarnets and bright-tinted quartz and beryls, heaped artistically, rather than scientifically, on a base of jasper and malachite and dark basalt and glistening spar and curious fossils; these not gathered by any means in a single summer or in ordinary ramblings, but treasured long, and standing, some of them, for friendly memoriesbalanced on the one side

She tormented me by ghost stories to cover her nocturnal ramblings, and she betrayed a terrifying curiosity about his health and his will.

With this view I took shipping for Lisbon, where I arrived in April following; my man Friday accompanying me very honestly in all these ramblings, and proving a most faithful servant upon all occasions.

The following (from the Ramblings of a Desultory Man, in the New Monthly Magazine) is in the best vein of a bon vivant and will be easily credited: "After dinner we ordered a bottle of Sautern, which was marked in the carte at two francs ten sous.

but the "light-headed ramblings of delirium."

It gives the Anglo-Indian Exile the heart-ache to think of these ramblings over English scenes.

"I have listened patiently to your ramblings and feel sorry for you.

Amusing to me still is the contrast between those Cumberland walks with Sir George and my ramblings over the same or nearly the same ground with the meditative Swedenborgian doctor;the first always pushing ahead as if shouldering along a victorious path through life, knowing the history of every foot of ground he passed over, interested in every detail of it, and with an air of continually saying "Ha! ha!"

I had known him for many years, as did all those whose ramblings took them into those hills.

22 examples of  ramblings  in sentences