1985 examples of ranches in sentences

It furnishes charcoal and timber for the mines, and, with the juniper, supplies the ranches with fuel and rough fencing.

Thousands of bee-ranches might be established along the margin of the plain, and up to a height of 4000 feet, wherever water could be obtained.

The largest bee-ranches have about a thousand hives, and are carefully and skilfully managed, every scientific appliance of merit being brought into use.

A good many of the so-called bee-ranches of Los Angeles and San Diego counties are still of the rudest pioneer kind imaginable.

These I found by the tracks were favorite outlooks and resting-places for the wild animalsbears, wolves, foxes, wildcats, etc.which abound here, and would have to be taken into account in the establishment of bee-ranches.

These men had risen up in the shadow of the Maderista revolution, and at its close, instead of laying down their arms, they devoted themselves to the looting of ranches and ungarrisoned isolated towns.

No thinking woman could hesitate a moment between the ranches and the lumber tracts of Cartwright and the empty purse of Riley Sinclair.

By the way, the Gaylor place is one of the show ranches of California.

The kindness and sympathy shown Mr. Eddy by the good people in the neighborhood of the Richey and Johnson ranches encouraged his efforts in behalf of his fellow-sufferers in the mountains.

The mother and child were company for my sister, while the husbands talked continually of ranches, cattle, hides, and tallow, so I was free to roam around by myself.

They carried off on this raid 280 head of animals from the Canoa and the adjoining ranches.

Large holdings result in sheep or cattle ranges, in huge ranches, in great areas held for speculative rise in price, and not in homes.

With such laws, and such men to see that they are executed, there wouldn't be any more extortion, any more raising of the rates of transportation on the produce of our ranches and farms merely because the eastern market for that particular product happened to jump a few cents on the dollar.

They had an insurrection in the first year of the War, when the troops went East, and they killed all the settlers and ranches and destroyed the canyons somewhere out in Nevada, and when they were brought here they had a wee little kid with them only four or five years old, but so sweet.

Through the night hours it sped on, past lonely ranches and infrequent stations, by and across shallow streams fringed with cottonwood trees, over the greenish-yellow buffalo grass; near the old trail where many a poor emigrant, many a bold frontiersman, many a brave soldier, had laid his bones but a short time before.

All the ranches were deserted, but we had no difficulty in obtaining food for ourselves and horses.

" Pondering over this none too reassuring remark, Hans lapsed into silence, while Tom and Larry plied the sheriff with questions about life on the ranches and the antics of the cowboys.

Wilder, if you and I are to stay on our ranches, we must round up these cattle thieves.

Go on, Nails; anything more?" "Nothing but that it's my opinion they have a spy in Tolopah who keeps 'em mighty well informed on the happenings at the Half-Moon and Three Stars ranches.

The acquisition of the territory must be set down to the credit of these soldiers and statesmen, representing the nation in its collective capacity; though in the case of New Mexico there would of course ultimately have been a direct pressure of rifle-bearing settlers upon the people of the ranches and the mud-walled towns.

The Apache and Comanche raided on the outlying settlements; the mixed bloods, and the "tame" Indians on the great ranches and in the hamlets were in a state of peonage; in the little walled towns, the Spanish commanders lived in half civilized, half barbaric luxury, and shared with the priests absolute rule over the people roundabout.

Lee Doyle had scoured the ranches to get this pony for the youngster.

Western StatesColorado, Wyoming, Idahohave supplied reading matter to ranches and mining camps for many years.

This request being granted, he contented himself by riding about the country, even visiting cattle ranches south on the Frio River.

We had to enter several ranches during the day to secure food and water, but made no particular effort to travel.

1985 examples of  ranches  in sentences