Do we say rapping or wrapping

rapping 140 occurrences

Strolling the edge of that park so close to the water that she could hear it seethe in the receding, a policeman finally took to following Mrs. Ross, his measured tread behind hers, his night-stick rapping out every so often.

" "Yes, there was a sort of a rapping sound.

And now came more bustle than ever; a great running hither and thither, a rapping of hammers and a babble of voices sounded everywhere through the place, for the folk were building great arches across the streets, beneath which the King was to pass, and were draping these arches with silken banners and streamers of many colors.

A sharp rapping of knuckles on the door awoke me with a start.

I had finished my letter to you when a violent rapping at the door made me run downstairs, and who should I see in the drawing-room but Lord Orville!

"I wonder whether Smith spilt any of this a-carrying of it in?" He put down the empty mug and made a careful examination of the floor, until a musical rapping on the table brought the landlord into the room again.

Furious tradesmen of every kind were ringing the house-bell, and rapping the knocker for admittancesuch, at least, as could press through the crowd as far as the house.

The Vicomte has awakened every one each day by rapping at their doors, but this morning I was at last aroused by Héloise, who had the next room, and we had our coffee together.

" The clock struck one as Joe pulled the bedclothes around him; and the next he knew he was being worried by a soft, insistent rapping, which seemed to continue through several centuries, until at last, unable to endure it longer, he opened his eyes and sat up.

The rapping still persisted, and he cried: "Yes, I hear.

In saddling, the knee came into play again, rapping the ribs of the brute repeatedly before the wind, which swelled out the chest to false proportions, was expelled in a sudden grunt, and the cinch whipped up taut.

" Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door; "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door, Only this, and nothing more.

" Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door; "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door, Only this, and nothing more.

But the fact is, I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you."

A repeated rapping brought no response.

They clinked and rattled, the little pellets of red and yellow and green, rolling, glinting over the floor and rapping up against the oak panels at the base of the walls.

Occasionally the boom of explosions coming from the devastated areas tells us that our brave allies the Chinese are still on deck, salvaging ammunition after their own unique fashion of rapping shells smartly over the nose-caps with sledge-hammers to test whether they be really duds or no.

She lives all alone, and she'll think it's a ghost rapping.

The Medium: It may be a few minutes before you will hear any rapping through these glasses.

" "Have you at all thought of the land or the lord to whom you would transfer your allegiance?" said Gerard von Sturm, carelessly rapping with his fingers on the bare white of the skull before him.

He usually told me where I could find him, but not always, so at times I was under the necessity of rapping at more than one door before I found him.

I heard his spurs jingling on the stairway, then his voice, and a rapping at the door above.

By going from desk to desk, scolding one, rapping the knuckles of another, and holding up to ridicule a third, making examples of such individuals as may chance to attract his special attention?

[Footnote 26: As 'spiritualism' is often used in opposition to 'materialism,' and with no reference to rapping 'spirits,' the modern belief in that class of intelligences may here be called spiritism.]

On another occasion, the Bishop having expressed his doubt of the truth of spirit-rapping, table-turning, etc., and being pressed with the appeal, "Surely you must admit these are indications of Satanic agency," quietly answered, "It may be so, but it must be a mark of Satan being in a state of dotage!" Alluditur ad titulum libri Reminiscences, etc.

wrapping 290 occurrences

" Empires have risen, and empires have decayed; dynasties have been buried, and long lines of kings, wrapping stately robes about them, have lain down to die.

The Shamán seemed to be shutting out the offensive light by wrapping himself up in something, head and all.

In spite of the careful wrapping, it had got rather crumpled.

I tried my old device of wrapping each bullet in soft wool smeared with beeswax.

" She raised him in her arms and pressed him to her bosom, wrapping her hair like a warm mantle round him; and in less than one minute, overcome by fatigue, he fell fast asleep in her arms.

This is used for various purposes; one species, as soft as our cotton cloth, and withal exceedingly tough, is used for a handkerchief; another furnishes the material for taking notes, or for wrapping up what is left after a feast.

He made knots of the osier twigs upon which the Cyclop commonly slept, with which he tied the fattest and fleeciest of the rams together, three in a rank, and under the belly of the middle ram he tied a man, and himself last, wrapping himself fast with both his hands in the rich wool of one, the fairest of the flock.

In a few days the cretin will get warmer, and require much less wrapping and bed-clothing.

To cut it all short, he unwound puttee after puttee of careful wrapping till he reached a chamois-leather chrysalis, which he handled with extreme reverence, and from this he drew something with gentle fingers, and set it on the table-cloth before the goggle-eyed Jackson.

~The Dive.~ One moment, poised above the flashing blue, The next I'm slipping, sliding through The water, that caresses, yields, resists, Wrapping my sight in cooling, gray-green mists.

buyo: The masticatory prepared by wrapping a piece of areca-nut with a little shell-lime in a betel-leafthe pan of British India.

At most, General Hooker was wrapping in huge folds the sword of Lee, not remembering that there was danger to the cordon as well as to the weapon.

The short day had been waning fast, and darkness was wrapping round the camp when White Fang trotted up toward the fire.

When the wrapping came away a shattered finger came with itit had rotted off, if you care to know that detailand at the sight the victim uttered growling, rasping, animal-like sounds.

" She commenced her preparations for seeing Mr. Wilks by wrapping a shawl round her shoulders and reclining in an easy-chair with a novel.

After the fashion of the day, he poured forth his devotion in graceful madrigalsthe first of which, began as follows: "A rich and shining Gem hath Dame Nature Taken out of Heaven's treasury, and Wrapping it in a lustrous human veil Hath bestowed it on me, saying, 'To thee I give this beauteous Flora for thine own.'

It was not a large pile, and on the top of it lay a folded piece of yellow wrapping-paper.

She ended; Wrapping her head in her mantle she stood, and the people were silent.

Then wrapping one of his blankets about him, he prepared to wait for the dawn.

Mademoiselle Le Blanc came on deck, one evening, and, wrapping a soft, thick mantle round her, looked about for a minute, shaded her eyes from the sunset, meantime, with a slender, transparent hand, bowed to one, spoke to another, slipped forward and joined Mr. Raleigh, where he leaned over the ship's side.

I wore a long Spanish cloak, such as was much in vogue then and there; wrapping my face in it so that only my eyes were free, I fought on, sometimes only able to walk backward from the cutting cold against my face and eyes, making very slow progress; but it was Sunday night, and the school must be opened at 9 A.M. on Monday.

O so reverently, O so tenderly, as though he were wrapping up some holy flower.

He approached a group in the center of which was a young barefooted lad in trousers and shirt open at the breast who was talking and talking, wrapping himself from time to time in a shawl that some one had placed upon his shoulders.

Emily started guiltily when Hinpoha entered and made a desperate effort to finish wrapping up something she had in her hand.

The soldier couched across the door, rolled in his cloak and some chance wrapping he found about the house.

Do we say   rapping   or  wrapping