35 examples of rappings in sentences

Explosions of hilarity came from this corner with increasing frequency, and now and then tumultuous rappings and howls of "Song!

The pencil was put in motion, powerful rappings were heard as it touched the D. I kept my gravity, and went on again and again, till the name of the illustrious duke, whose death the civilized world was then deploring with every token of respect, was fully spelt out.

At various points in his address there were rappings, sometimes apparently on the bottom of the coffin, and at others upon the floor, as if in response to the sentiments uttered.

While it was being read, the reporter states that the rappings were distinctly heard.

Several friends then sang, "Come, ye disconsolate," after which the Rev. Mr. Denning made a few remarks, during which the rappings were more audible than before.

No rappings were heard, and some of the participants did not scruple to pronounce the whole thing a delusion.

It was not long before we obtained rappings, and were enabled to repeat all the experiments which I had tried during my visit to the Fox family.

There were also, which I before forgot to mention, in the daytime, rappings at the doors of the sitting-rooms, which constantly deceived us; and it was not till our "come in" was unanswered, and the hall or passage outside the door was discovered to be empty, that we learned that whatever else caused them, human hands did not.

To the subject of 'Spirit-rappings' we have devoted some time and attention, but our investigations have not been sufficiently extensive to warrant us at present in offering any positive conclusions.

What we can say, thus far, with assurance is that, in the cases which have come under our observation, the theory of the purely physiological origin of the sounds has been sustained by the fact that the Mediums were invariably, and confessedly, cognizant of the rappings whenever they occurred, and could at once detect any spurious rappings, however exact and indistinguishable to all other ears might be the imitation.

What we can say, thus far, with assurance is that, in the cases which have come under our observation, the theory of the purely physiological origin of the sounds has been sustained by the fact that the Mediums were invariably, and confessedly, cognizant of the rappings whenever they occurred, and could at once detect any spurious rappings, however exact and indistinguishable to all other ears might be the imitation.

The Committee reconvened this day, at 8 o'clock P.M., at the residence of Mr. H.H. Furness, when the investigation of the Spirit Rappings, in the presence of Mrs. Margaret Fox Kane as Medium, was resumed.

The 'Spirit Rappings' during the evening, aside from those heard during the test with the glass tumblers, were apparently confined to the floor-space in the immediate vicinity of, and directly beneath the table describedaround which the company were seated in the order here stated.

The Committee, with one exception, in accordance with a requirement imposed by the Medium, rested their hands upon the table and fixed their minds upon the subject of the rappings.

" The "Spirit Rappings" varied materially in quality and character, being at times faintly, and at other times distinctly audible.

This remark is applicable to all the rappings during the séance at the pine table.

The Medium explains that the responses by rappings are mainly indicative only of affirmation or negation.

As you know, you have to conform to the rules, else you will get no rappings.

At this point the attention of the Committee was again directed to the attempted production of the rappings with the Medium standing upon the glass tumblers.

The Spirits are repeatedly importuned by the Medium to produce the rappings, but no response is heard until the company is about to abandon the experiment.

Following the suggestion of the Medium, all present proceed through an intervening apartment to the library where the Medium selects various positionsstanding upon a lounge, then upon a cushioned chair, next upon a step-ladder and finally upon the side of a book-casebut all with a like unsuccessful result, no response by rappings being heard.

'Well, how does he perform his wonderful exploits in rappings, etc.?'

Ghostly rappings on the walls and ceiling of my room punctuated unintelligible mumblings of invisible persecutors.

"Ambrose Philips, the Roman Catholic, who set up the new St. Bernard Monastery at Charnwood Forest, has taken to spirit-rappings.

At that moment, too, there came the sound of significant and methodical rappings at the door.

35 examples of  rappings  in sentences