119 examples of rapturously in sentences

He sees his beloved fiddle, and his no less beloved feline friend, in loving conjunction; he bursts out rapturously with impetuous joy: "Hey! diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle!

she continued rapturously, "he is so sympathetic; and Celeste Follingsby says he is 'perfectly heavenly in affliction.'

" "Billie," cried her chum rapturously, "why didn't you think of that before?

And so on and on, rapturously, while Billie's heart sank lower and lower and Violet's own warm one ached for her friend.

However that may have been, the fact remains that when she had finished the girls were as perfectly wild as Chet had been to visit the queer old place and, if need be, even confront its "ghosts!" "Think!" cried Laura, clasping her hands rapturously.

I shouldn't wonder" "Oh, Billie," cried Violet rapturously, "do you suppose you could get real money for them?

" The subsequent conversation between the matron and the young girl seemed to put the mistress of the house in excellent humor, and when the carriage drove off she kissed all the ladies quite as rapturously as if she had never vowed undying hatred and vengeance upon the Yankee people.

Master Dick excited the maternal alarm by throwing himself rapturously on the wounded hero and giving him the kiss he had denied Rosalind.

"She is thinking of me!" cried he rapturously, as if this were an instance of the most signal and unforeseen condescension.

" The girl spring forward and kissed her rapturously.

He gazed rapturously.

" "A million apiece, at least," said Hayle rapturously, and then in an awed voice he added, as if he were discomfited by his own significance, "I never thought to be worth a quarter of that.

I have known people who "have gone where money was" and have fallen honestly and rapturously into love, but you have got to be very sure that money in such a case is not the motive.

" The tears stood in her eyes, but her look was as of one who gazed rapturously inside the pearly gates.

What Mary had told him at Hickory Hill about her labors in its behalf had signified simply, how rapturously delicious it was that she should have been so concerned for him.

It was a good hour before she returned, having been rapturously welcomed upstairs and down and kept as long as possible.

All this was rapturously received; nor was the approbation of the company less coldly manifested when the chairman proposed 'the health of the ETTRICK SHEPHERD;' it appeared, however, that he was much less familiar with his works than with those of Burns, and though a native of a pastoral district, made sad work among the romances and ballads of the imaginative shepherd.

But you'll have to promise" "Oh, I'll promise anything," cried Reggie rapturously.

I am content to gaze rapturously at the blinking eyes of the True, or Positive, Barbarian.

He gloated rapturously over the cake, eating first the half of the walnut meat, which he carefully removed.

" Curate (rapturously).

He sighed rapturously.

" Angas (I., 75) refers to this custom and exclaims, rapturously, "Oh! how strong is a mother's love when even the offensive and putrid clay can be thus worshipped for the spirit that once was its tenant"(!!).

" A delicate melody and neatly done; yet the verse "Le deuxième plus habile L'embrassant sous le menton" made me redden, and the envoi nigh burned me alive with blushes, yet was rapturously applauded, and the patroon fell a-choking with his gross laughter.

So Greece with one who has but a Baedeker knowledge of art, or Rome to one who remembers her history vaguely as something that she "took" at school, is simply maddening to one who forgets the technicalities of dates and formulas, and rapturously breathes it in, scarcely knowing whence came the love or knowledge of it, but realizing that one has at last come into one's kingdom.

119 examples of  rapturously  in sentences