13 examples of raters in sentences

Your little game is very passe; I had it worked on me once before, and placed you in your classa fourth-rater, with a crib for loot!

What business had these condescending second-raters to presume to improve a perfectly good beach which was satisfactory to other folks?

When NELSON was blockading for three long years and more, With many a bluff first-rater and oaken seventy-four, To share the fun and fighting, the good chance and the bad, Oh, he had also small craft, because he must have had.

I frequently found myself in such a position, in consequence of this dangerous propensity, and the remedy suggested to my mind, and which I recommend to others, was never to take a passage, on American waters, in a first-class steam-boat, as the principle acted upon is to maintain the character of a first-rater at all hazards, regardless of the life or limbs of the helpless passengers.

Any second-rater can lick 'em.

Amongst them were the Duke of Dorset, who always rode for the Prince; the late Mr. Delme-Radcliffe; the late Lords Charles Somerset and Milsington; Lord Delamere, Sir Tatton Sykes, and many other first-raters.

I'd never be happy as a second rater.

Why, in the land of ready money I'm only a third-rater, but I've got the four hundred million, all right.

"Way it is," said Spike at length, "I'm nothing but about a fourth-rater in my game.

I wasn't never a first-rater.

Never was better than a third-rater, I guess.

But maybe in this other game I could git to be a first-rater.

And she laughed, with a glance at the innocent doña Pepa, who, there on the other bench, was for the hundredth time explaining to the Italian maid the prodigious miracles wrought by the patron of Alcira, and trying to persuade the "foreigner" to transfer her faith to that saint, and waste no more time on the second or third raters of Italy.

13 examples of  raters  in sentences