12 examples of ratlines in sentences

I dropped at once to the ratlines, and commenced my descent.

I was aware that men were already mounting the ratlines, and laying out on the upper yards to make sail, while the capstan bars began rattling.

Not so much as a speck rewarded my efforts, and I descended the ratlines, shouting to the boatswain to call the port watch.

" Watkins led the way up the main-mast ratlines, and Cole was first into the fore shrouds, the others following eagerly.

" We watched while they streamed down the ratlines and gathered forward of the galley, squatting in groups on the deck.

I've seen him beat that boy till the blood ran down in little pools on deck; then send him up, all wet and red, to clear the to'sail halliards; and when, what with the pain and faintness, he dizzied a little, and clung to the ratlines, half blind, he would have him down and flog him till the cap'n interfered,which would happen occasionally on a fair day when he had taken just enough to be good-natured.

cries the mate; and what with the anger and the drink he was as good as his word, and up the ratlines in a twinkle.

He caught hold of the woman, and hung her head over one of the ratlines of the mizen shrouds, and there she hung by the chin, which was hitched over the ratlin; but a surf came and knocked her backwards, and away she went rolling over and over.

If I catch you up there again," he cried, shaking his fist at Mr. Tasker, "you'll remember it. Come down!" Mr. Tasker, placing the glass under his arm, came slowly and reluctantly down the ratlines.

Some of the sailors, mounted on the ratlines of the fore-shrouds, uttered longing cries.

The pitch bubbled like caviare in the seams of the white deck, and the shrouds and ratlines ran with tears of tar.

They got her up a few ratlines; then came another surge, during which they gripped hard; then there was a second ascent, and so on.

12 examples of  ratlines  in sentences