777 examples of raved in sentences

He raved incoherently for nearly ten minutes, while Dick sat silent and nervous beneath a storm of remorse.

She raved in her room sometimes when she thought of a possible balking of her purpose.

The only person who could manage her was her husband; and when at last he compelled her to give up the keys, she threw them in a storm of passion at his head, and raved like a maniac.

She raved again, but it was for vengeance.

[4220]who, seeing it to purge his goats when they raved, practised it upon Elige and Calene, King Praetus' daughters, that ruled in Arcadia, near the fountain Clitorius, and restored them to their former health.

He folded her in his arms and held her there, thirty yards away from the precipice, safely sheltered against his breast, while the wind raved round them, blowing her hair from the broad, white brow, and showing him that noble forehead in all its power and beauty; while the darkness deepened round them so that they could see hardly anything except each other's eyes.

The impassive Dervish raved; Mustapha stormed; François broke out in a frightful eruption of Greek and Turkish oaths, and the two travellers, though not (as I hope and believe) profanely inclined, could not avoid using a few terse Saxon expressions.

The newspapers from coast to coast, our worthy New York Times not excepted, howled for their blood, raved about an Anarchist plot to blow up Chicago, seize the government, murder, arson, pillage, rapethe whole program which William Randolph Hearst has made only too familiar to the American public.

He had again become delirious, and raved as before about coffins, corpses, graves, and other loathsome matters.

Generally, however, when he raved and talked of his wicked life, his family excluded all persons from his room except his attendants.

This, so exasperated the poor, ruined and besotted wretch, that he raved like a madmansuch as he undoubtedly wascrazed and infuriated, by the contents of the poisoned cup of liquid damnation, held to his lips by a neighboring distiller; a fellow-being, who for the consideration of a few shillings, could see his neighbor made a brute and his family left in destitution and sorrow.

I turned on my saddle and shouted and raved, 'Vive l'Empereur!'

"I took Mrs. Puddicombe up there one day, and she has raved about it ever since.

The slaveholder raved at him for interfering between him and his slave; but he was obliged to drop his victim, fearing the arm of my friendwhose stature and physical powers were extraordinary.

They told the white men that Bwona Khubla's city, of which he had thought at the last (and where the natives believed he was once a king), of which he had raved till the loneliness rang with his raving, had settled down all about them; and they were afraid, for it was so strange a city, and wanted more dow.

I'm so tired of hearing those Hillsdale Girl Scouts raved about.

For the people that crowded about the temple, being the weaker party, became fanatical and raved wildly over the situation.

He wept, he prayed, he raved, he gnashed his teeth, he tore out as much of his hair as was consistent with appearances.

He would have painted the picture, and the world would have raved about its beauty.

That year in New York she was raved about, but all the excitement and enthusiasm that she created only seemed to please and amuse her.

You know how he has raved about the grand tour he is going to make, all the curiosities he is to see and bring home for me, even to the dome of St. Peter's or the crater of Vesuvius, if I wish to see them.

Count Marescotti raved so about the Signorina Enrica, that he nearly jumped over the parapet.

Yes, the poetMarescottiTrenta's friendwho had raved on the Guinigi Tower.

Thus he fumed and raved and trifled, in an agony of selfish sufferinga proud, injured man; and all the time the object of his vengeful indignation was lying insensible on the spot where she had prayed to him, her loving heart motionless within a bosom of ice.

He raved about the pit day and night lamenting his daughter and his friend; and why I say he saved you, 'twas he who advised Walter.

777 examples of  raved  in sentences