84 examples of ravings in sentences

Some of his threatening utterances, such as the address to the troops sailing for China in order to quell the Boxer rebellion, the constant association in all his speeches of the great idea of God, with the ravings of a megalomaniac, the frenzied oratory in which he indulged at the beginning of the War, have harmed Germany more than anything else.

The ravings of the soul provide the materials with which the mind builds.

My nurse listened to my ravings for two days and nights; then she went away.

But still in the intervals of his ravings the great passionate nature, the defiance, the unconquered will broke out with inextinguishable force.

The young man could not explain whence the drug came: the only two persons who visited the house were Simoun and Padre Irene, the former rarely, while the latter never ceased exhorting him to be severe and inexorable with the treatment, to take no notice of the invalid's ravings, for the main object was to save him.

We cannot stay here to be insulted by the ravings of a madman," cried the Pennsylvanian.

Blake's ravings made genteel.

Why do you come here, to drive me crazy with your senseless ravings?" "Robert," said Mrs Keswick, very composedly "I do not wonder that my coming to you and accepting the proposals which you once so heartily made to me, and from which you have never gone back, should work a good deal upon your feelings.

He was rambling in a frightful manner; and as his ravings turned upon the most loathly matters, it required some firmness to listen to them.

He could not judge whether the self-condemning words were the promptings of a guilty conscience, or the ravings of an unbalanced mind.

Through the passage, if I passed in or out, I crawled flat, on hands and knees: but that was rare: and in the little round interior, mostly sitting in a cowering attitude, I wintered, harkening to the large and windy ravings of darkling December storms above me.

Ah, the thought took me then, how, on the morrow, she would ring, and have no answer; and she would ring again, and have no answer; and she would ring all day, and ring, and ring; and for ever she would ring, with white-flowing hair and the staring eye-balls of frenzy, battering reproaches at the doors of God, and the Universe would cry back to her howls and ravings only one eternal answer of Silence, of Silence.

"List!" cries the old Pedlar, suddenly breaking off in the middle of one of his daintiest ravings "List!I heard, From yon huge breast of rock, a solemn bleat; Sent forth as if it were the Mountain's voice!

With all this miserable forgetfulness of dignity and self-respect, he mounts the high horse, from which he instantly is tumbled into the dirt; and in his angry ravings collects together all the foul trash of literary gossip to fling at his adversary, but which is blown stifling back upon himself with odium and infamy.

His practical influence over here is trivial, thanks to the general good sense and the love of fair play in our people, but there can be little doubt that his intentions are about as injurious to the future peace of the world as any intentions could be, and there can be no doubt that intelligent use is made in Germany of the frothings and ravings of his followers.

The ravings of many of these people can only be paralleled by the stuff about the cunning of the Jesuits that once circulated in ultra-Protestant circles in England.

" We shall be glad if the ravings of the abolition press about the Ward acquittal shall have this effect.'

"I've just come from the dressing station," he said, "and there's a boy there, McRory, that has me fair bewildered with his ravings.

As the dying tyrant tossed restlessly upon his bed, it was plain that the delirious ravings which he began soon to utter were excited by the same sentiments of insatiable ambition and ferocious hate whose calmer dictates he had obeyed when well.

Dicky was not faithless to me, as I had feared during the tortured moments in which I had listened to, the girl's ravings.

And besides, you will laugh at my ravings, and say that a singer is a singer, and nothing more, for all his life.

His ravings were dreadful; he would speak of Dupont, at one time, with imprecations; at others, as if imploring him to forbear.

When restored to consciousness, whether from the effect of an excess of fever producing temporary delirium, or from confirmed mental disease, her speech was altogether wild and incoherentthe only at all consistent portions of her ravings being piteouslyiterated appeals to Lady Compton not to surrender her to her aunt in-law, Mrs. Brandon, of whom she seemed to entertain an overpowering, indefinable dread.

Shall we proceed?" Trenta, glad to escape from the possibility of any further discussion with the count, whose religious views were to him nothing but the ravings of a mischievous maniac, at once turned into the side-aisle, and, with ceremonious politeness, conducted Enrica toward the chapel of the Trenta.

" Herbert's prayer had been granted, inasmuch as the horrible ravings that he feared repeating never passed his lips.

84 examples of  ravings  in sentences