63 examples of ray's in sentences

" She slid the robe carefully over Ray's head.

At first Ray's delicate fingers, accustomed to the touch of soft, sheer white stuff and ribbon and lace and silk, shrank from contact with meat grinders, and aluminum stewpans, and egg beaters, and waffle irons, and pie tins.

But Ray's sense of humor did not run along these lines.

There is a certain dread malady that comes to men at the sight of naked gold, and Ray's degenerate type was particularly subject to it.

Ray's dreadful crime of a few days past had given him an added insolence and self-assurance that complicated the problem still further.

What's the matter?" "Do you think there's one chance in a million of getting down through those rapids on a raft?" Ray's eyes opened wide.

" Ray's face seemed to darken before his eyes.

But surely Ray's degenerate impulses could be mastered.

He had developed a brutality that, though it contained nothing of the exquisite fineness of cruelty of which Ray's diseased thought might conceive, was nevertheless the full expression of his depraved nature.

" Chan too had found himself inclining toward this latter belief; without Ray's energy and ambition he had less to keep him fronted to the chase.

Desperate and intent, but in realization of impending triumph, Ray's strong arms went about her. XXXIX

Beatrice's last defense had fallen, seriously wounded; and Ray's arm seized her as, screaming, she tried to flee.

No fate on earth was so dreadful but that it would be somewhat alleviated by the fact of his presence: just the sight of him, standing beside her, put her in some vague way out of Ray's power to harm.

All Ray's aims had been attained.

He hurled Chan from his path, and his sound right arm leaped to Ray's throat in a death grip.

If Ben had possessed full use of both hands there still might have been time to send home the two crucial blows, or at least to dispatch Beatrice out of Ray's power to harm.

Chan had followed Ben, and sharing Ray's fiendish mood, jerked her aside.

She had heard from Ray's lips that night that Ben's claim had been legally filed; he had only to return and take possession.

I went through the sixth grade and was ready for the seventh Ray's Arithmetic.

In Ray's Itineraries, 1760, we are told that Robin Hood's bow, one of his arrows, his chair, his cap, and one of his slippers, were preserved till within the above century.

R.J. Ray's play, The Casting Out of Martin Whelan, is the best this dramatist has as yet given us, and George Fitzmaurice's The Country Dressmaker has the elements of good drama in it.

This gave Kate a legitimate excuse to ask for Ray's company, because he had besought her not to go to such places at night without his escort.

NewhallAfflictionDomestic AccommodationsEphraimNew-Year's DayNative CustomDay-kau-ray's Views of EducationCaptain Harney's Mince-Pie CHAPTER XII.

It would be a hard day's work for a boy to explain in Korak one of the miscellaneous problems in Ray's Higher Arithmetic.

Ray's Works and Travels by Scott.

63 examples of  ray's  in sentences