6 examples of raza in sentences

The land breeze lasted long enough to bring them by Santa Cruz, and their ship drifted along all day between Raza and the main.

The night was very clear, and at eight bells they tacked ship to the northward, heading about N.N.E.; Raza lights could just be discerned, bearing about West.

exclamó después de un momento el pastor tendiendo el puño crispado hacia las rocas como amenazándola; ¡ah! maldita bruja, muchas hiciste en vida, y ni aun muerta hemos logrado que nos dejes en paz; pero, no haya cuidado, que á y tu endiablada raza de hechiceras os hemos de aplastar una á una como á víboras.

rayo, m., ray, beam; lightning, thunderbolt. raza, f., race, family.

[Footnote 2: Those who would convince themselves of this may read the work of Don Francisco Pimentel, Memoria sobre las Causas que han originado la Situation Actual de la Raza Indigena de Mexico (Mexico, 1864), and that of the Licentiate Apolinar Garcia y Garcia, Historia de la Guerra de Castas de Yucatan, Prologo (Mérida, 1865).

a moment ago *rayado* (pp. of *rayar*) striped *rayo* m. thunderbolt; flash of lightning *raza* f. race *razón* f. right; reason; *tener * be right; *tener mil es* be perfectly right; be a thousand times right *real* m. real (one fourth of a peseta in Spanish money, equivalent to about five cents; in Mexico a real is one eighth of a peso, or about six cents); adj.

6 examples of  raza  in sentences