137 examples of re-reading in sentences

Re-reading the letter, he found it more unsatisfactory still, and destroyed it.

Priests are familiar with many such writings, great and small, but A Lapide (St. Luke I.) bears reading and re-reading.

I have been re-reading your letter.

Re-reading these chapters, with a more or less critical detachment, and leaving themgood, bad and indifferentas they were originally printed, one is forced to the conclusion that sentimentwhich would seem to arouse what is most hostile in the cultivated dweller in citiesis an all-pervading essence in primitive communities, colouring and discolouring every phase of life and thought.

He had read Nancy's letter twice now, and still he sat smoking and dreaming with an occasional glance at the girlish handwriting, or a twinkle of the eye at the re-reading of some particular passage.


In November I began re-reading Sophocles with my usual care.

But I can't, even after careful re-reading, see the point of making the bishop's enlightenment depend upon a mysterious drug.

It is sad to have to say this: but we had it forced upon us painfully enough a few days ago, when re-reading "Kilmeny."

" He sat hunched in his chair staring at the screaming headlines and re-reading the lurid story.

"Katie," he wrote in that first letter, letter she was re-reading that night, "we have seen two sides of the same thing.

Hawk had a telegram in his pocket which was causing him more uneasiness than all the rasping criticisms of the New York attorney, and he was re-reading it by the light of the corridor bracket when a young man sprang from the ascending elevator and hurried to the door of the parlor suite.

I do seriously recommend a re-reading of what should be a character full of blood, which is ever so much more amusing than sawdust, however charmingly encased.

I've been re-reading.

After the practical plumber had been asking what he expected to make by this here science of his, re-reading her letters was balsamic.

XXII ON RE-READING WALTER PATER It is with no small satisfaction, and with a sense of reassurance of which one may, in moods of misgiving, have felt the need during two decades of the Literature of Noise, that one sees a writer so pre-eminently a master of the Literature of Meditation coming, for all the captains and the shouting, so surely into his own.

He was re-reading these first adumbrations of disaster with a sinking heart, reading the shadow of death more and more perceptibly into them, reading to occupy his mind until further news should come.

She was re-reading.

A letter to Saint Augustine after re-reading his confessions.

A letter to Saint Augustine after re-reading his confessions.

She was re-reading the letter that began by calling her wife.

Mr. Parker was reading it, or perhaps re-reading it, at the time he was shot.

We follow this same re-reading of Roman and Grecian story untroubled, and see the heroes of our childhood turn into races and sun-myths without calling the Muse of History a fraud.

At Saint Leger he passed his days in reading and re-reading the two thousand letters the dead Comtesse had written to him, sprinkling their perfumed pages with his tears.

how few books are really worth re-reading," sighed Des Esseintes, gazing at the servant who left the stool on which he had been perched, to permit Des Esseintes to survey his books with a single glance.

137 examples of  re-reading  in sentences