36 examples of reagents in sentences

Justice should give fair credit to all the organs which fabricate the reagents of individuality, and the regulators of personality.

Each gland is thus influenced and influencing, agent and reagent in the complex adjustments of the organism.

The stomach cell may, therefore, be regarded as a test-reagent for the different internal secretions, as they affect the check and drive systems.

Since these external signs are but manifestations of the inner chemical reactions, of which the internal secretions are the determining reagents, or factors, with permutations and combinations possible in all directions, the diversity and variability of each individual and his traits stands explained and understandable.

The nineteenth century witnessed the birth and expansion of a great number of new stimulant reagents, the discoveries of physics and chemistry, which, with the climax of the World War of 1914-1918, have made for a more or less complete deliquescence of accepted religion.

The internal secretions are the most hopeful and promising of the reagents for control yet come upon by the human mind.

How little we know of ourselves till we are tested by the powerful reagents of love and danger, and in how many ways must those tests be applied before we learn anything of the elements of which we are composed!

From this room we entered the laboratory, a large apartment, one side of which was given up to chemical research, as was shown by the shelves of reagents that covered the wall, and the flasks, retorts and other apparatus that were arranged on the bench, like ornaments on a drawing-room mantelpiece.

Instead of at once destroying a compound in order to learn of what elements it was composed, we submit it to a course of treatment with reagents, which take it apart very gradually, or modify it in the production of some related substance.

Of course synthesis could not be applied until analysis had revealed something of the molecular grouping of these compounds, so the action of different classes of reagents was tried upon the alkaloids.

We may now look at the question of the decomposing effect of reagents upon the alkaloids.

If, having completed our survey of what has been done in the way of decomposing the alkaloids by the different classes of reagents, we review the field, it will be seen that with all the alkaloids mentioned, except the last four, a more or less immediate connection with the pyridine and quinoline bases has been indicated.

The apparatus which I propose to call by the above name ([mu][epsilon][lambda][delta][omega], to melt) consists of an adjunct to the mineralogical microscope, whereby the melting-points of minerals may be compared or approximately determined and their behavior watched at high temperatures either alone or in the presence of reagents.

The alcoholic extract was evaporated to dryness over a water-bath, the residue dissolved in solution of sodium carbonate, and the resin precipitated by dilute sulphuric acid (these reagents being chosen as the best after numerous trials with others), added in the slightest possible excess.

Nature is always applying her reagents to character, if you will take the pains to watch her.

Its behavior with reagents was found to be different in many respects from that of the ordinary tabasheer; and it was proved to contain silica and iron.

Her mind was a perfect laboratory of tests and reagents; every syllable you put into breath went into her intellectual eudiometer, and all your thoughts were recorded on litmus-paper.

This inner layer is ordinarily not noticeable, but it retracts from the outer envelope when subjected to the action of certain reagents, or when immersed in a fluid differing in density from water, and it then becomes distinctly visible, as may be seen in the engraving (Fig. 1).

MURRAY, ANNA M. Standards and tests for reagent and C. P. chemicals.

SEE Murray, Benjamin L. MURRAY, BENJAMIN L. Standards and tests for reagent and C. P. chemicals.

Organic reagents used in gravimetric and volumetric analysis.

Organic reagents used in gravimetric and volumetric analysis.

One fact, at any rate, is out of reach of such refinements, and this is, that all the forms of protoplasm which have yet been examined contain the four elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, in very complex union, and that they behave similarly towards several reagents.

Numerous well-known scientists have visited the Philippines and to each we have extended all possible assistance, furnishing laboratory quarters, instruments, apparatus and reagents, and, whenever practicable, material as well.

but there is no reagent that will redden the faded roses of eighteen hundred andspare them!

36 examples of  reagents  in sentences