3930 examples of reasonable in sentences

A human being could have carried any reasonable number, but a bird could only take one at a time.

"You see, it's reasonable to suppose they've put him in the middle one, because that would suit their purpose best.

"Well, Brett," Hewitt asked me afterward, "what do you think of the verdict?" I said that it seemed to be the most reasonable one possible, and to square with the common-sense view of the case.

From the point of view of the jury, and on their information, their verdict was quite reasonable.

The indenture sets forth that "he is to be at Divine service on Sundays and double Feasts in the chancel and at Matins, Hours, Masses, Evensong, Compline and other offices used in the said church and also daily at Salve in our Lady's Chapel unless hindered by reasonable cause."

Richard Marler stipulates in his will that his priest is to have the "stypend or wagis of nyne marks by yere so long as he shall be of good and prestly conversacyon and demeanor, wt' a p'vyso that yf the seyde prest be ffounde otherwyse, after monyc'on and reasonable warnyng to hym geven, he to be removed.

I would not either object to sofas and ottomans, in any reasonable proportion; but protest I must, and in the strongest terms too, against such a multiplication and variety of easy chairs, as effectually exclude the possibility of easy sitting; and against the overweening increase of spider-tables, that interferes with rectilinear progression.

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Two and two being properly put together, the result was a reasonable argument that China and India could be reached from the other direction, that is, by going westward instead of eastward.

Cuba is not a land in which commercial travellers swarm everywhere, demanding comfort and willing to pay a reasonable price for it.

From the drain on its financial resources, the island will recover, but the misfortune appears in the setting of a standard for Federal expenditure, in its total for all purposes amounting to about $40,000,000 a year, far beyond the reasonable or proper bearing power of the island.

" "Let's 'ope so," said the convert; "but it don't sound reasonable.

Little reasonable things from the lawyers' point of viewthe rejection, for example, of certain evidence in the Titanic inquiry because it might amount to a charge of manslaughter, the constant interruption and checking of a Labour representative at the same tribunal upon trivial pointsirritate quite disproportionately.

But the Labour situation cannot wait for this millennial release, and for the current issue it seems to me patent that every reasonable prosperous man will, even at the cost to himself of some trouble and hard thinking, do his best to keep as much of this great and acute controversy as he possibly can out of the lawyer's and mere politician's hands and in his own.

These men below there are still, as a class, wonderfully patient and reasonable, quite prepared to take orders and recognise superior knowledge, wisdom and nobility.

They make the most reasonable claims for a tolerable life, for certain assurances and certain latitudes.

It is an entirely reasonable demand if man is indeed a social animal.

Ran away this morning, an irish servant, named Michael Day, by trade a tailor, about five feet eight inches high, fair complexion, has a down look when spoken to, light bushy hair, speaks much in the irish dialect, &c.:Whoever secures the above described, in any gaol, shall receive thirty dollars reward, and all reasonable charges paid.

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And in order to gain admission to this "plebeian aristocracy" men otherwise reasonable and honest will spend incredible sums, undergo prodigious exertions, associate themselves with the basest intrigues, and perform the most unblushing tergiversations.

But here to the support of this assertion we have a striking and undeniable proof; namely, that the infant is born intelligent but not reasonable.

Certainly such a proposition seems scarcely reasonable, for its admission would entail the reversal of what are called the sound notions of logic!

Nor can it be objected that we, on our part, would not listen to any reasonable terms of their suggestion; the Mexican Government refused all negotiation, and have made no proposition of any kind.

If parsons are to be Lords, it is but right and reasonable that the Queen should be Pope.

But not so with the caretakers: there was nothing they were not capable of doingexcept taking reasonable care of their invalids!

3930 examples of  reasonable  in sentences