89 examples of reassert in sentences

During the drive home Kate strove to reassert her old dominion over the moody figure at her side.

Watching the increasing success of the Republicans, Southern leaders began to reassert the doctrine of the right of secession.

The Arabs took advantage of the Turkish defeat to reassert complete independence.

It was now determined to reassert the empire of the sea; but it was more easily determined than performed: the French made a vigorous defence against the united power of England and Holland, and were sometimes masters of the ocean, though the two maritime powers were united against them.

Her shrewd and level common sense had begun to reassert itself.

We can only reassert that we see design everywhere, and that the vast majority of the human race in every age and clime has seen it.

But here again, if we be contradicted, we can only reassert.

To-morrow he would go to his daughter, and meanwhile he must continue his work; he needed to reassert his power, for he had been strangely shaken.

And I will tell you,should it chance you fail To know from your own knowledge of your wife, Without the need of confirmation sure, That when her passionate, poor, wounded heart Had time and strength to reassert itself, Her memory, and truth to you as wife, Enwrapt her once again, and she withdrew E'en from the love that, trusting, she had sought.

He thrust the thought away; and the natural strength of the man began to reassert itself.

In this war we shall either maintain and reassert our command of the sea, or we shall lose it: share it with Germany we shall not, because we cannot.

After the war, the ever-present deep-seated poverty will reassert its presence, and in the hearts of many people the question will arise as to whether the community which courageously and whole-heartedly fought the enemy without the gates will turn with equal courage and determination when the time comes to fight the enemy within the gates.

Nemo potest personam diu ferre fictam, says Seneca; ficta cito in naturam suam reciduntno one can persevere long in a fictitious character; for nature will soon reassert itself.

(Then, as the other is about to rise, he perceives that the Nurse has already entered, and now stands, unobtrusive but firm, awaiting the moment to reassert her sway.)

"As my health unexpectedly improved and energy moved me to reassert myself and step out, a soft hand was laid on minethe hand of my mother, invalided at my birth, retired at forty from a world where she had shone by force of beauty and witand a gentle voice would say: 'Stay with me, my son, my baby.

He rested in that knowledge for a long time, watching memory reassert itself.

Once more then his individuality began to reassert itself, and to attempt to cast off the spell even of this peace that promised relief.

During the seventh century, dating from the defeat of the Slavs and Avars before the walls of Constantinople in 626 and the final triumph of the emperor over the Persians in 628, the influence and power of the Greeks began to reassert itself throughout the peninsula as far north as the Danube; this process was coincident with the decline of the might of the Avars.

I have no desire, however, to seek refuge behind such chronological uncertainties, nor to reassert that my theory is a question of evolution rather than of dates, and that, therefore, if Jacob and Rachel, during their prolonged courtship, had the qualities of mind and character to feel the exalted sentiment of romantic love, we might concede in their case an exception which, by its striking isolation, would only prove the rule.

He was determined to reassert his authority, by punishing the weakest, whom he considered as the origin of all these scandals.

Once more a new set of interests began to take the lion's share of his attention, although the game learned behind the big rock would reassert its puzzling fascination from time to time.

I love even to see the domestic animals reassert their native rights,any evidence that they have not wholly lost their original wild habits and vigor; as when my neighbor's cow breaks out of her pasture early in the spring and boldly swims the river, a cold, gray tide, twenty-five or thirty rods wide, swollen by the melted snow.

NUR ED-DIN, MAHMOUD, sultan of Syria, born at Damascus; the extension of his empire over Syria led to the Second Crusade, preached by St. Bernard; compelled the Crusaders to raise the siege of Damascus, which he made his capital; called to interfere in the affairs of Egypt, he conquered it, and made it his own, a sovereignty which SALADIN (q. v.) disputed, and which Nur ed-Din was preparing to reassert when he died (1117-1178).

It was not until the following day that reason began to reassert itself, and he succeeded in marshalling the facts of the case more clearly in his own mind.

But must not the divine nature, the pitiful heart of the universe, have already begun to reassert itself in him, before that would hurt him?

89 examples of  reassert  in sentences