140 examples of reassuringly in sentences

Jack waved his arm reassuringly, as if to bid the rebel take heart for the momenthe would not hurry in the matter.

"We shall soon be there," said Paul reassuringly.

" Pearl smiled back, reassuringly, and his eyes responded.

" He laughed reassuringly and drew her closer to him.

Well," he laughed, reassuringly, "it frightened me at first.

"I shall keep my eyes open this afternoon," he said reassuringly.

Mr. Wilks nodded, reassuringly.

And there he was beaming up at her reassuringly, while she felt the blood which had gone from her face return in a hot flood.

he asked reassuringly, motioning her to a chair.

He controlled his voice with an efforthis words came softly, reassuringly.

"Suppose we go back a little," he said reassuringly.

He heard her sob, and he smiled a little, reassuringly.

"I was lookin' erbout foh you, honey," she said reassuringly.

" The old priest smiled reassuringly.

"If you think this is going, my dear," said Todd reassuringly, "wait till we strike the turnpike.

There was something so reassuringly prosperous and respectable in their bearing that after a moment's hesitation Nunez stood forward as conspicuously as possible upon his rock, and gave vent to a mighty shout that echoed round the valley.

"Yours," said Berkley reassuringly.

"My mother knows all, Sir Karl," said the princess, reassuringly.

"Never you mind," repeats Bobby, reassuringly, seeing me blench a little at these disused amenities, pressing the hand that rests on his arm against his stout side; "it is nothing to you!

"There ain't no reason to fret about me," she said reassuringly.

"It's a capital song," Dodd replied reassuringly; "do you know any more American words?"

Kilian came first, very drenched, and spattered, and subdued looking, then Mr. Langenau, leaning upon one of the men, very pale, but making an attempt to smile and speak reassuringly to Sophie, who met him with looks of great alarm.

Of course not," he added reassuringly, "nothing, absolutely nothing, certainly."

I’m all right, called Stoddard reassuringly, still at my back.

I'm packing a missionary box just the way the ladies do; and it's all right," she added reassuringly, "I haven't put in a single thing that's any good at all!"

140 examples of  reassuringly  in sentences