Do we say rebel or rebel

rebel 1778 occurrences

In fact, she had had enough and meant to rebel.

Yet she knew one could not rebel for nothing, and she had pluck.

The revolt was alleged to have been encouraged in Germany and also by Irish extremists in the United States, by whom the rebel leaders executed in Ireland were regarded as "martyrs.

A few years since she would have rebelled against what the hand-glass revealed; but, to-day, she could not rebel against God's will; assuredly it was his will for histories to be written in faces.

There is no question that cleanliness and fresh air may be considered as minor aids to goodness, and a dangerous outbreak of insubordination may sometimes be averted by hastily suggesting to the little rebel a run in the garden, prefaced by a thorough application of cool water to the flushed face and little clenched hands; while self-respect may often be restored by the donning of a clean apron.

It has always been the policy of Mahometan States to send their troublesome subjects, such as were not considered rebel enough to decapitate or to imprison, on a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Two months before in a gray dawn, the walls of a fort in Charleston Harbor had crumbled under fire from a score of rebel batteries.

The country floweth full of milk and honey, be not rebel against God, he shall give it us, be ye not afeard.


John Stevens remembered when William Claybourne, the famous rebel of colonial Virginia, tried to urge the people, against the will of the king, to drive the colonists out of Maryland, which they claimed as a part of their domain.

He was driven from Kent Island and escaped to Virginia; but Sir John Harvey refused to surrender him, and John Stevens saw the rebel when he embarked for England, where he made a strong fight before the throne for Kent Island.

This was the first time he had ever seen the man so noted in history as the great Virginia rebel, yet from the very first Robert was strangely impressed with the earnestness of the stranger.

nor to consider within himself what is intrinsically good and worthy of a man; and if he does not rebel, you will make him as good a mummy as Egyptian catacombs can boast.

"I used to rebel against poor papa," said Peter, remorsefully.

So hasty, dearest Madam And so slow, un-dearest Sir, I could have saidBut SURELY, said I, with a look that implied, Would you rebel, Sir!

'Tis true, in some places, his wit is independent of his words, as in that of the Rebel Scot "Had CAIN been Scot, GOD would have changed his doom, Not forced him wander, but confined him home.

And Stephen doesn't quite understand him, and he is so terribly severe when they rebel.

The remnant of the Guard are now in the field under the hill, and from the shape of the ground the Rebel fire sweeps with the roar of a whirlwind over their heads.

A line of fire upon the summit marks the position of the Rebel infantry, and nearer and on the top of a lower eminence to the right stand their horse.

The dense mass opens, the blue coats force their way in, and the whole Rebel squadron scatter in disgraceful flight through the cornfields in the rear.

Zagonyi holds his main body until Maythenyi disappears in the cloud of Rebel cavalry; then his voice rises through the air,"In open order,charge!"

The Rebel foot are flying in furious haste from the field.

During the conflict upon the hill, he was in the forest near the front of the Rebel line.

In a neighboring field an Irishman was found stark and stiff, still clinging to the hilt of his sword, which was thrust through the body of a Rebel who lay beside him.

Within a few feet a second Rebel lay, shot through the head.

rebel 1778 occurrences

In fact, she had had enough and meant to rebel.

Yet she knew one could not rebel for nothing, and she had pluck.

The revolt was alleged to have been encouraged in Germany and also by Irish extremists in the United States, by whom the rebel leaders executed in Ireland were regarded as "martyrs.

A few years since she would have rebelled against what the hand-glass revealed; but, to-day, she could not rebel against God's will; assuredly it was his will for histories to be written in faces.

There is no question that cleanliness and fresh air may be considered as minor aids to goodness, and a dangerous outbreak of insubordination may sometimes be averted by hastily suggesting to the little rebel a run in the garden, prefaced by a thorough application of cool water to the flushed face and little clenched hands; while self-respect may often be restored by the donning of a clean apron.

It has always been the policy of Mahometan States to send their troublesome subjects, such as were not considered rebel enough to decapitate or to imprison, on a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Two months before in a gray dawn, the walls of a fort in Charleston Harbor had crumbled under fire from a score of rebel batteries.

The country floweth full of milk and honey, be not rebel against God, he shall give it us, be ye not afeard.


John Stevens remembered when William Claybourne, the famous rebel of colonial Virginia, tried to urge the people, against the will of the king, to drive the colonists out of Maryland, which they claimed as a part of their domain.

He was driven from Kent Island and escaped to Virginia; but Sir John Harvey refused to surrender him, and John Stevens saw the rebel when he embarked for England, where he made a strong fight before the throne for Kent Island.

This was the first time he had ever seen the man so noted in history as the great Virginia rebel, yet from the very first Robert was strangely impressed with the earnestness of the stranger.

nor to consider within himself what is intrinsically good and worthy of a man; and if he does not rebel, you will make him as good a mummy as Egyptian catacombs can boast.

"I used to rebel against poor papa," said Peter, remorsefully.

So hasty, dearest Madam And so slow, un-dearest Sir, I could have saidBut SURELY, said I, with a look that implied, Would you rebel, Sir!

'Tis true, in some places, his wit is independent of his words, as in that of the Rebel Scot "Had CAIN been Scot, GOD would have changed his doom, Not forced him wander, but confined him home.

And Stephen doesn't quite understand him, and he is so terribly severe when they rebel.

The remnant of the Guard are now in the field under the hill, and from the shape of the ground the Rebel fire sweeps with the roar of a whirlwind over their heads.

A line of fire upon the summit marks the position of the Rebel infantry, and nearer and on the top of a lower eminence to the right stand their horse.

The dense mass opens, the blue coats force their way in, and the whole Rebel squadron scatter in disgraceful flight through the cornfields in the rear.

Zagonyi holds his main body until Maythenyi disappears in the cloud of Rebel cavalry; then his voice rises through the air,"In open order,charge!"

The Rebel foot are flying in furious haste from the field.

During the conflict upon the hill, he was in the forest near the front of the Rebel line.

In a neighboring field an Irishman was found stark and stiff, still clinging to the hilt of his sword, which was thrust through the body of a Rebel who lay beside him.

Within a few feet a second Rebel lay, shot through the head.

Do we say   rebel   or  rebel