382 examples of reciprocal in sentences

They keep the firemen in wind, and, as the firemen keep them in water, the obligation is reciprocal.

To seize them by force is rapine; to exchange for them the wares of Manchester or Birminghan is improbity, for it is to barter without reciprocal gain, to give the stones of the brook for the gold of Ophir.

Men, I know not by what caprice, have attached shame to the indulgence of that reciprocal inclination which nature has bestowed upon both sexes.

[Math.]; fraction, rational number; surd, irrational number; transcendental number; mixed number, complex number, complex conjugate; numerator, denominator; decimal, circulating decimal, repetend; common measure, aliquot part; prime number, prime, relative prime, prime factor, prime pair; reciprocal; totient^. binary number, octal number, hexadecimal number [Comp.]. permutation, combination, variation; election.

Adj. numeral, complementary, divisible, aliquot, reciprocal, prime, relatively prime, fractional, decimal, figurate^, incommensurable. proportional, exponential, logarithmic, logometric^, differential, fluxional^, integral, totitive^. positive, negative; rational, irrational; surd, radical, real; complex, imaginary; finite; infinite; impossible.

Adj. interchanged &c v.; reciprocal, mutual, commutative, interchangeable, intercurrent^. combinatorial

The patriotism of the people, directed by a deep conviction of the importance of the Union, produced mutual concession and reciprocal forbearance.

It is one of the inconveniences inseparably connected with the attempt to adjust by reciprocal legislation interests of this nature that neither party can know what would be satisfactory to the other, and that after enacting a statute for the avowed and sincere purpose of conciliation it will generally be found utterly inadequate to the expectations of the other party, and will terminate in mutual disappointment.

It remains to be determined by the respective Governments whether the trade shall be opened by acts of reciprocal legislation.

If misunderstandings on both sides have prevented former explanations from reaching that end, it is presumable that, those misunderstandings being done away, nothing henceforth will bring obstacles to the reciprocal dispositions.

An enlarged philanthropy and an enlightened forecast concur in imposing on the national councils an obligation to take a deep interest in their destinies, to cherish reciprocal sentiments of good will, to regard the progress of events, and not to be unprepared for whatever order of things may be ultimately established.

An earnest desire exists, and has been manifested on the part of this Government, to place the commerce with the colonies, likewise, on a footing of reciprocal advantage, and it is hoped that the British Government, seeing the justice of the proposal and its importance to the colonies, will ere long accede to it.

The two men had at bottom a considerable regard for each other, founded upon old association, mutual services, and reciprocal respect for talents of very different orders.

A recipient becomes an image of God according to reception, 132. RECIPROCAL principle, the, of conjunction with God, is, that a man should love God, and relish the things which are of God, as from himself, and yet believe that they are of God, 132, 122.

Without such a reciprocal principle conjunction is impossible, 132.

Why, then, call this a reciprocal bargain, which took all from one party, to bestow it on the other?

''Its reciprocal operation upon the government of the nation is, to establish an artificial majority in the slave representation over that of the free people, in the American Congress, and thereby to make the PRESERVATION, PROPAGATION, AND PERPETUATION OF SLAVERY THE VITAL AND ANIMATING SPIRIT OF THE NATIONAL

Why, then, call this a reciprocal bargain, which took all from one party, to bestow it on the other?

That is what I mean by not being reciprocal: and you will find it in all that they do: as in all that is done by savages.

" The fundamental fact, however, is the absence of the reciprocal idea.

Anyone who has the painful habit of personal thought will perceive here at once the non-reciprocal principle again.

A RECIPROCAL PRONOUN is one that implies the mutual action of different agents.

EACH OTHER, and ONE ANOTHER, are our reciprocal forms, which are treated exactly as if they were compound pronouns, taking for their genitives, each other's, one another's.

Now, by this mode of parsing, the reciprocal terms "are treated," not as "compound pronouns," but as phrases consisting of distinct or separable words: and, as being separate or separable words, whether they be Adjectives or Pronouns, they conform not to his definition above.

Leaving his hiding-place, he returned to the Spaniards, where a friendly agreement was made, hand-clasps and mutual vows exchanged, the alliance being confirmed by reciprocal presents.

382 examples of  reciprocal  in sentences