56 examples of recitatives in sentences

Hereupon little Roscoe broke into a high-pitched recitative.

It contains eight "leading motives," which recur thirty times in course of the opera; and the dramatic recitatives are sometimes quite in the "Wagnerian" manner.

Recitative Poetry Recitative poetry also took its rise during this epoch at Rome.

Recitative Poetry Recitative poetry also took its rise during this epoch at Rome.

We may add that -poeta- technically denotes only the author of epic or recitative poems, not the composer for the stage, who at this time was styled -scriba- (III.

RECITATIVE Second Voice.


Again, you need not be told that each fifth line of the two first recitatives requires a crescendo.

The French recitative however does not please me.

The language does not possess sufficient intonation to give effect to the recitative.

There is but one language in the world for tragic recitative and that is Italian.

We can never thank her sufficiently for cutting out endless pages of songs and recitative by the melancholious old Hermit who, in the original version, was to commence the opera, and wander in and out of it incessantly.

The music was not sold with the song, and it was rather difficulta mournful sort of recitative with sudden shifts into marching rhythmand so the people sang the words over and over with her until they had almost learned the tune.

Her sister stood beside her, and together they declaimed in an inimitable sort of recitative.

From Pepys's Diary we learn that the first company of Italian singers came here in the reign of Charles II.: they were brought by Killigrew from Venice, about 1688; but they did not perform whole operas, only detached scenes in recitative, and not in any public theatre, but in the houses of the nobility.

" Clement chanted a child's story in a sort of recitative.

The manager of the latter, Sir William Davenantwho had fought on the king's side, been knighted for his services, escaped to France, and was afterward captured and imprisoned in England for two yearshad managed to evade the law against stage plays as early as 1656, by presenting his Siege of Rhodes as an "opera," with instrumental music and dialogue in recitative, after a fashion newly sprung up in Italy.

First he would beat upon his mules with a flat stick which didn't hurt, but made a loud racket; then, satisfied, he would loll in his seat singing in melodious and interminable recitative: An' I hope to gain de prommis' lan',

Between Cassandra and the Chorus it is a duet of anguish and fear; in the broken lyric phrases a phantom music wails; till at last, at what seems the breaking-point, the tension is relaxed, and dropping into the calmer iambic recitative, Cassandra tells her message in plainer speech and clearly proclaims the murder of the King.

He has hired all the goddesses from farces and the singers of Roast Beef from between the acts at both theatres, with a man with one note in his voice, and a girl without ever an one; and so they sing, and make brave hallelujahs; and the good company encore the recitative, if it happens to have any cadence like what they call a tune.

It was particularly in recitative, the style, moreover, least subject to precise laws, that Delsarte used this license; and it was in this style that he especially excelled.

At one time holding up a piece of blanket, stained with Boyga's blood, he gave utterance to his ravings in a sort of recitative, the burden of which was"This is the red flag my companions died under!"

Her father, who is a stranger to her, comes on dressed in banknotes and chained to a safe; her mother, also a stranger, wears a society bee which buzzes in the place where her bonnet would have been; and five samples of the fashionable world, where, as you know, everybody thinks the same thing at the same time, let off recitatives from time to time in unison.

The air was grave, and altogether unusual for the social character of one who dwelt upon the ocean, being chiefly in recitative.

The recitative arts, which are spiritual from their very nature, could indeed flourish fairly in Christianity, yet it was less favorable to those of design, for as these had to represent the victory of mind over matter, and yet must use matter as the means wherewith to work, they had to solve a problem against Nature.

56 examples of  recitatives  in sentences