36 examples of reckonings in sentences

The next few months were devoted to preparations for the baby, and our financial reckonings had to be readjusted.

Yea, all reckonings unreasonably.

Consequently, the time at Manila, being regulated by their own reckonings, is one day later than that of those who arrive there by steering eastward from America or Europe; as for instance, when by the accounts of the latter it is Sunday, by theirs it is only Saturday.

"O if I might but live a while longer to see all things settled, some two or three years, I would pay my debts," make all my reckonings even: but they are come and past, and thou hast more business than before.

In regard to geographical situations, likewise, there are many differences; for there never sailed ten or an hundred pilots in one fleet, but they made their reckonings in almost as many different longitudes.

We had quite a crowd of passengers, and among them was a gentleman, with his lady and child; if that wasn't the handsomest couple that I ever sot eyes on, then I've missed my reckonings!

A revolution is a bad time for rurales; one pays old reckonings then.

Reality, as it is assumed, presumed, or guessed to be 'in itself,' apart from our experience of it, is cancelled from his reckonings.

In that half-mile stretch he would have lost Thor altogether if the grizzly had not stopped near the bottom of the first slope to take fresh reckonings.

Some of those whom Washington Square left unvisited were the centre of social systems far outside its ken, and as indifferent to its opinions as the constellations to the reckonings of the astronomers; and all these systems joyously revolved about their central sun of gold.

At the end of the war the supply of silver was recovered; henceforward all reckonings were made in silver, and the gold coinage was not long continued.

So after went he, his accounts as he could To settle and make his loose reckonings good, And left us his tomb and his skeleton under, Two boons to his race,to sit down on and ponder.

Need calls them: mouths ask for food, floors for the broom, and the pay-envelope for keen reckonings.

The reckonings in the war period were made of course in the rapidly depreciating Confederate currency.

The planters as a rule carried their own risks, and they generally dispensed with actuarial reckonings in determining their bids for slaves.

" "When I consider how oft we eat the bread of affliction, when one runs over the catalogue of all the cross reckonings and sorrowful items with which the heart of man is overcharged, 'tis wonderful by what hidden resources the mind is enabled to stand it out, and bear itself up, as it does, against the impositions laid upon our nature.

Our Reckonings, Apartments, and Accommodation, fell under Ephraim: and the Captain looked to all Disputes on the Road, as the good Behaviour of our Coachman, and the Right we had of taking Place as going to London of all Vehicles coming from thence.

The latitude and description answer very exactly; the longitude alone raises the doubt, but the reckonings of former navigators cannot be depended upon, and errors of ten or twelve degrees of longitude were not rare, of which many proofs might be found, by comparing the situations of places formerly determined with their position on the charts of the present time.

It was, of course, the habit of astronomers to reckon eclipses backwards, and of annalists to avail themselves of these reckonings.

I will either convert thee (O thou Pagan Steward) or presently confound thee and thy reckonings, who's there?

One point occurred to her now, which caused her to ask anxiously: "Have you not made your reckonings without Richard Lambert, Marmaduke?

Though nothing definite could yet be seen through the shrouding dazzle that swaddled the world's rim, this fore-hint of land confirmed their reckonings of latitude and longitude.

Having sailed several days on several tacks, owing to changes in the wind, they compared their reckonings.

The pilot of the flagship appointed by the King was Giovanni Vespucci, a Florentine, nephew of Amerigo Vespucci, who had inherited his uncle's great ability in the art of navigation and taking reckonings.

If you are one of those captious people who must verify by the calendar every new moon you read of in a book, and if you are pained to discover the historian lifting anchor and spreading sail contrary to the reckonings of the nautical almanac, I beg to call your attention to these items from the time-table of the Mid-Western and Southern Railway for December, 1901.

36 examples of  reckonings  in sentences