71 examples of reclamation in sentences

In other countries, to be sure, we find reclamation projects, where irrigation canals serve to bring water long distances to be used on arid but fruitful soil.

They have been made the subject of immediate remonstrance and reclamation.

He tells us that the whole of this delta of the Sawad is capable of easy levelling and reclamation.

And I cannot do better, in trying to convey the spirit in which this work of reclamation should be undertaken, than by quoting some very noble words from Sir William Willcocks's report, in which he speaks of the desolation that has come to this garden of fruitfulness through wicked stewardship.

Strike out this article, in the following words: In consideration of the above agreement and indemnification, the Government of the United States and the individuals in whose behalf they have been made agree to desist from all further reclamation respecting the island of Aves, abandoning to the Republic of Venezuela whatever rights might pertain to them.

The initial steps were taken for forming an association of persons interested in the cause of the reclamation of the Indians, to be known under the name of the Algic Society.

It proposes some definite means of action for furthering their moral instruction, and reclamation from the evils of intemperance and the principles of war, and to subserve the general purposes of a society of moral inquiry.

My younger brother, a lad of spirit, who had quarrelled with the priest who dominated our family, succeeded with great difficulty in communicating with me, and promised that a civil process should be undertaken for the reclamation of my vows.

Sir Harry Willerton was a fresh, frank-looking young gallant,fast, from the fiery impulses of youth and a high spirit,not pricked on by vanity, nor goaded by low passions,not heartless, not blasé,the only kind of a rake for whom reformation is possible or reclamation worth the while.

Reclamation is the order of the day.

"The beneficial results thus made possible have already been practically demonstrated, and what may be achieved by the proposed reclamation of a vast area, with peculiar advantages of climate and environment, is one of the most significant suggestions conceivable in connection with the new era of irrigation.

She must be denied the smallest contact with these frightful faces and figures, these bars and cages, these deformities of the mind and heart, these curiosities of conscience, shyness, skill, and daring; all these dramas of reclamation, all these scenes of fervent gratitude, thankfulness, and intoxicating libertyall or any of these things must never come to be the lot of her eyes; and she gave herself up to the most poignant regret.

So long as there were great areas of unrestricted flood-plain above Vicksburg to impound the freshets and lower their crests, the levees below required no great height or strength; but the tasks of reclamation were at best arduous enough to make rapid expansion depend upon the spur of great expectations.

He appears to have salved his conscience in this relapse by devoting part of his income to the reclamation of a great marsh on his estate.

In addition to their field strength and the children, of whom no reckoning was made in the schedule of employments, the two plantations together had five stable men, two carpenters, a miller and job worker, a keeper of the boat landing, three nurses and two overseers' cooks; and also thirty-five ditchers in the reclamation work.

Where ditches or embankments were necessary, as for sugar and rice fields, the high cost of reclamation promoted compactness; elsewhere the prevailing cheapness of land promoted dispersion.

Uncle Sam is paying special attention to the western water-sheds which supply reclamation and irrigation projects.

The year of this autobiographical record marked the commencement of Gissing's reclamation from that worst form of literary slaverythe chain-gang.

I know that we do not suffer in this respect; it is not the want of good faith in the Northern people, so far as the reclamation of fugitive slaves is concerned, that is causing the Southern States around the Gulf of Mexico and the Southern Atlantic coast to move in this great revolution now progressing.

The reclamation of Epirus is perhaps the most honourable achievement of the Greek national revival, but it is by no means an isolated phenomenon.

Land drainage and reclamation, by Quincy Claude Ayres and Daniels Scoates.

Land drainage and reclamation.

Urban blight and slums; economic and legal factors in their origin, reclamation, and prevention.

The motto of the state is: "Millions for offense, but not one cent for reclamation.

These opinions relative to the public lands do not in any manner conflict with the observance of the most liberal policy toward those of our fellow-citizens who press forward into the wilderness and are the pioneers in the work of its reclamation.

71 examples of  reclamation  in sentences