18 examples of recommencement in sentences

On the third the reverberating noise of drums and trumpets announced the recommencement of the battle.

Many and hot were the skirmishes on this topicthe only one upon which the old gentleman was ever brought outand bad blood bred; even sometimes almost to the recommencement (so I expected) of actual hostilities.

The interval which elapsed before the recommencement of his missionary labors was to be short.

It symbolized the starting-point of a new life, of a recommencement unhampered by the vestiges of grief and error.

Recommencement of the War in Sicily After successes so immense the Carthaginians were able to resume their offensive operations, which had long been in abeyance.

If the reader has ever witnessed a wife, daughter, or sister, in a fainting fit, he may chance to have observed that the most affecting moment in such a spectacle, is that in which a sigh and a stirring announce the recommencement of suspended life.

Recommencement of the Social struggle at RomeMarius the popular heroIncessant frontier-warfare of the RomansThe Cimbri defeat Carbo and SilanusCaepio and 'The Gold of Tolosa'The Cimbri defeat Scaurus and CaepioMarius elected consulThe Cimbri march towards SpainTheir nationalityTheir plan of operationsPlan of MariusBattle of Aquae SextiaeBattle of Vercellae CHAPTER VI.

[Sidenote: Recommencement of the social struggle at Rome.]

Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives: The public buildings being advanced to a stage to afford accommodation for Congress, I offer you my sincere congratulations on the recommencement of your duties in the Capitol.

" The recommencement of hostilities between England and France in 1370 unfortunately interrupted the progressive and regular course of these financial improvements.

RENOUVELLEMENT, m., rétablissement, recommencement.

An unexpected incident led to its recommencement in spite of the truce: not, however, throughout France or directly between the two kings, but with fiery fierceness, though it was limited to a single province, and arose not in the name of the kingship of France, but out of a purely provincial question.

Charles the Bad was a bold and able intriguer; he levied troops and won over allies amongst the lords; dread of seeing the recommencement of a war with England gained ground; and amongst the people, and even in the king's council, there was a cry of "Peace with the King of Navarre!"

It was the recommencement of religious civil war, with more deadliness than ever.

Two or three of the scales before its recommencement, have a minute pit in the middle of their disks, as is not unusual with the Glyphisodons.

Ces flux et ces reflux, Ces recommencements, ces combats sont voulus, Au-dessus de la haine immense, quelqu'un aime.

Refreshed and invigorated, we looked forward with pleasure to a recommencement of our journey, confident of meeting no more mishaps by the way.

At last the silence (which did not seem a silence to me, it was so full of new and conflicting thoughts,) was broken by the recommencement of the music in the other room.

18 examples of  recommencement  in sentences