115 examples of reconnoiter in sentences

But, finding that the big, forked animal doesn't scare, he prudently beats a retreat, and sets himself up to reconnoiter on some overhanging branch, scrutinizing every movement you make with ludicrous solemnity.

Mike prevailed with him so far that he consentedreluctantlyto be left alone on the blasted heath, while his friend went back to reconnoiter.

(1) Note, notion, notable, notice, notorious, cognizant, incognito, recognize, noble, ignoble, ennoble, ignore, ignorance, ignoramus, reconnoiter, quaint, acquaintance; (2) notary, notation, connotation, cognition, prognosticate, reconnaissance, connoisseur.

He was a noble creature, of perfect form and proportions; and as he pranced before his companions, with neck erect, and throwing his head from side to side, as if to reconnoiter his assailantswhile his mane and tail floated in the breeze, and his glossy coal-black skin gave back the rays of the morning sunhe looked like the King of the Prairie, going forth in the pride of perfect freedom.

Jot spurted on ahead to reconnoiter.

After supper Washburn and Hauser went up on the ridge back of the camp to reconnoiter and ran across a she grizzly and her two cubs.

But no; it was the same old gray stone house she had left some months before; and again pressing boldly forward, she took the lamp from the sideboard and commenced to reconnoiter.

The subaltern explained briefly what he had heard, and the captain, after interrupting him to shout an order to "Prepare for action," heard the finish of the story, pulled out his map, and pointing out on it a road shown as running through the trees, sent the subaltern off to reconnoiter it.

Before he was well off the road the captain shouted the order to walk march, and as the battery did so the subaltern who had been sent out to reconnoiter the road came back at a canter.

Here he halted his men, and with infinite caution crawled out to reconnoiter.

Sure enough, orders were given to pack up and prepare to move as soon as it was dark, and the captain went off with a working party to reconnoiter a new position and prepare places for the cars.

I stepped over their sleeping forms arid made a reconnoiter of the hallway.

Meanwhile, I think I'll reconnoiter Wylie's new office and find out what's doing.

We will reconnoiter the morass to-day, and when night falls will so post our men as to open a fire on either flank of him as he comes across the track.

Leaving the detachment under charge of Lieutenant Long, and the main body in the village under that of Hugh Grahame, Harry, accompanied by Donald Leslie and Mike, rode off to reconnoiter the morass.

It is their duty to reconnoiter and ascertain the strength of the enemy and to carry the orders of the commander.

We drove the canoe into the bank, and then went down a tapir trail, which led alongside the river, to reconnoiter.

"Our friend John's horse went lame and we left him at the bottom of the hill while we came up to reconnoiter.

This was my first chance to reconnoiter, and so I took my gun and went up the creek, a wide, treeless bottom.

" Having found a convenient port and seen some groups of huts, the inhabitants of which fled as soon as they perceived the ships, the Admiral gave orders that the next morning early parties of men should go on shore to reconnoiter.

On hearing of the ominous gathering Ponce sent Louis Añasco and Miguel del Toro with 50 men to reconnoiter and watch the Indians closely, while he himself followed with the rest of his small force to be present where and when it might be necessary.

*reconciliar* reconcile *reconocer* reconnoiter *reconocimiento* m. recognition *recordación* f. remembrance *recordar* remember; remind *recorrer* run over; travel through *recuperar* recover, make up *recurso* m. resort; means *redondo* round; *caer(se) *

About two-thirds of its height, just above the clock, and where the more slender part of the spire commences, there is a gallery or platform, to which the French quickly ascended, on their possession of Vienna, to reconnoiter the surrounding country.

But it was necessary to reconnoiter first.

While these were going forward with as much dispatch as possible, Mr. Lally, one of the first assistants, was detached to reconnoiter the inlet of the lake.

115 examples of  reconnoiter  in sentences