6 examples of record-breakers in sentences

groaned the record-breaker.

The Clermont was the first practical steamboat, and the Arrow the fastest, and so both were record-breakers.

The Turbinafor that was the little record-breaker's namewas propelled by a new kind of engine, and her speed was all the more remarkable on that account.

For suddenness and thoroughgoing completeness the Gaston bubble-bursting was a record-breaker.

"Can you run?" "We're the original record-breakers when it comes to working our legs!"

It is monotonously lonesome running an automobile across country alone; the record-breaker may enjoy it, but the civilized man does not; man is a gregarious animal, especially in his sports; one must have an audience, if an audience of only one.

6 examples of  record-breakers  in sentences