31 examples of rectum in sentences

To censure guilt, my lords, is undoubtedly necessary, and to inquire into the conduct of men in power, incontestably just; but by the laws both of heaven and earth, the means as well as the end are prescribed, rectum recte, legitimum legitime faciendum; we must not only propose a good end in our conduct, but must attain it by that method which equity directs, and the law prescribes.

It there turns downward, as the descending colon, and making an S-shaped curve, ends in the rectum.

Driven onward by the contractions of the muscular walls, the refuse materials at last reach the rectum, from which they are voluntarily expelled from the body.

They can square circles, but understand not the state of their own souls, describe right lines and crooked, &c. but know not what is right in this life, quid in vita rectum sit, ignorant; so that as he said, Nescio an Anticyram ratio illis destinet omnem.

4. Validissime diligo virum rectum, disertum, quod apud me potentissimum est. 4559.

[x] Non sumus ergo pares: melior, qui semper et omni Nocte dieque potest alienum sumere vultum, A facie jactare manus, laudare paratus, Si bene ructavit, si rectum minxit amicus.

Cura placere Deo sit prima, sit ultima; sanctae Irruptum vitae cupiat servare tenorem; Et sibi, delirans quanquam et peccator in horas Displiceat, servet tutum sub pectore rectum: Nec natet, et nunc has partes, nunc eligat illas, Nec dubitet quem dicat herum, sed, totus in uno, Se fidum addicat Christo, mortalia temnens.

Blood, it must be remembered, might come from piles or polypi, or it might be dysenteric, and proceed from ulceration of the rectum and colon.

Clament periisse pudorem Cuncti penè patres, ea cum reprehendere coner, Quæ gravis Æsopus, quæ doctus Roscius egit: Vel quia nil rectum, nisi quod placuit sibi, ducunt; Vel quia turpe putant parere minoribus, et, quæ Imberbes didicere, senes perdenda fateri.

"The way to kill me," replied the Tortoise, "is to take the punch used for brass, bulit, and run it into my rectum.

The patient rests so continually in them that alarming swellings commence to make their appearance about the rectum, or in the case of a mare about the vulva.

[Greek: ahi loxoi kai mae ithuteneis hodoi], "obliquae ac minime in rectum tendentes viae."

The colon, rectum, and anus.

BUIE, LOUIS A. The colon, rectum, and anus.

RANKIN, FRED W. The colon, rectum, and anus, by Fred W. Rankin, J. Arnold Bargen & Louis A. Buie.

Samuel Yellen (A); 12Aug63; R320425. YEOMANS, FRANK C. Proctology; a treatise on the malformations, injuries, and diseases of the rectum, anus, and pelvic colon.

BACON, HARRY ELLICOTT. Anus, rectum, sigmoid colon; diagnosis and treatment.

Anus, rectum, sigmoid colon.

Anus, rectum, sigmoid colon.

Samuel Yellen (A); 12Aug63; R320425. YEOMANS, FRANK C. Proctology; a treatise on the malformations, injuries, and diseases of the rectum, anus, and pelvic colon.

BACON, HARRY ELLICOTT. Anus, rectum, sigmoid colon; diagnosis and treatment.

Anus, rectum, sigmoid colon.

'Interdum vulgus rectum videt.

[Illustration: The Alimentary Canal, a. Esophagus; b. Stomach; c. Cardiac Orifice; d. Pylorus; e. Small Intestine; f. Bile Duct; g. Pancreatic Duct; h. Ascending Colon; i. Transverse Colon; j. Descending Colon; k. Rectum.]

Had it been merely a straight line of vague northerly direction which was meant, rectum, the usual expression for a mathematical straight line, would have been used instead of directam.

31 examples of  rectum  in sentences