4 examples of red-streaked in sentences

Then calling color to my aid, as far as my limited means admitted, I scraped from the edges of the moose-hide a portion of the red-streaked fat, and, having impasted therewith the bacchanalian nose of my subject, I stepped back a few paces to contemplate the effect.

Learned men have learned books, Which they ponder night and day; Easier leaves than theirs I read, Blossoms pink and white; Blossom-leaves all pink and white, Wherein I can see Charactered, as clear as light, The old apple-tree; The gold-cheeked apple-tree; The red-streaked apple-tree; All the fruit that groweth on The ripe, rosy apple-tree!

Today, he brought some of those new red-streaks, and wanted mother to try them; next time, they'd made a lot more maple-sugar on his place than he wanted; and next time, he thought mother's corn might need hoeing, or it was fine weather to get the grass in: I don't know what we should have done without him.

The summer flushed into autumn, then the apples and pears dropped and were wasted in the garden, even the red-streak apples, that in all the cider country are so highly prized.

4 examples of  red-streaked  in sentences