Do we say reek or wreak

reek 99 occurrences

For a while, I peered impotently, trying to see through the reek.

Would OAKEY HALL and PETER B. SWEENY put such a slight upon these bastard allies of the O'BRIENS and MORRISSEYS whose columns are open to the highest bidder, and whose lips reek venom while their hands are ever ready to strike a victim in the back, as to pass them by while they were on the war-path?

The air was foul with the reek of smoke and filth and infection.

The reek of vodka was borne up in the heated atmosphere, mingled with the nauseating odor of filthy clothing.

One who ventures to look for it finds the immediate source of the spring freshetsall the hill fronts furrowed with the reek of melting drifts, all the gravelly flats in a swirl of waters.

Constant exercise tuned up muscles gone slack and soft with easy living, upland winds cleansed the man of the reek of cities and made his appetite a thing appalling.

Half-stifled by the reek of unwashed flesh, he heard broken phrases growled in voices hoarse with effort and excitement: "The knife!" ...

Instantly they broke away on the trail, joining their shrill yelpings to the clamor, so different from the ordinary stealthy wolf hunt, and filled with a nameless excitement which they did not at all understand till the reek of caribou poured into their hungry nostrils; whereupon they yelped louder than ever.

Then a rest, and forward again, slower and slower, night after day in ever-failing strength, till on the edge of a great barren they stopped as if struck, trembling all over as the reek of game poured into their starving nostrils.

The grey reek of the pipes filled the building, and the air was pungent with the acrid smell of cheap, strong tobacco.

When with eternal night and sulphur pains, Fullness of fire, dread cold, reek and red flames, He knew it filled.

Now Elzevir and I, being used to the sea, were first through the hatchway above, and oh, the strength and sweet coolness of the sea air, instead of the warm, fetid reek of the orlop below!

Mean-time the reek of "bull's-eyes" was insufferable.

Mean-time the reek of "bull's-eyes" was insufferable.

She was on her knees like a charwoman, sniffing the strong reek of suds, when there came a knocking at her door.

The cold sweat melted from their limbs, Nor rot nor reek did they: The look with which they looked on me Had never passed away.

Mrs. M'Crawney was an Irishwoman who was always sighing for the mild, moist climate and the peat reek of her childhood's home.

Ear : Goun-reek.

And who would reek and wallow o' nights in the same straw, like a stalled cow, when he may have his choice of all the clean holly bushes in the forest?

They taught from the Old almost wholly, when they went outside the Book of Mormon and the revelations to Joseph Smithof the God of Israel who was a God of Battle, loving the reek of blood and the smell of burnt flesh on an altarrather than of the God of the Nazarene.

] In silence you have looked on felon blows, On butcher's work of which the waste lands reek!

He held an empty pistol in his right hand, but he passed his left palm over his hot face, and wiped away the mingled reek of perspiration and burned gunpowder.

This is no place for such companions, Such lousie Gentlemen shall find their business Better i'th' Suburbs, there your strong pitch perfume, Mingled with lees of Ale, shall reek in fashion: This is no Thames-street, Sir. Abig.

" The character of Gotama as it emerges from the reek of tradition is one of the noblest in history, and while the religion of which he was the leader has been defiled by all manner of corruptions and superstitions, it has borne much good fruit in the life of many peoples.

But till of late our sky at least was clear (Such sky as coal-reek leaves the civic year)

wreak 145 occurrences

The prince is about to wreak his vengeance on the cruel husband when he is met by Erminia herself, who, owing to her maid's attentions, has recovered from the swoon Alcippus took for death.

If, however, the garrison made such a resistance as we believed they would, and then were finally overcome, the Indians being allowed to wreak vengeance until their thirst for blood was satisfied, then was it probable we would go to the stake with a goodly company and little chance of escape.

He predicted that one should come over the Alps and wreak vengeance upon the tyrants of Italy.

We have not yet done away with robbery and murder, but we have at least made private warfare illegal; we have arrayed public opinion against it to such an extent that the police-court usually makes short shrift for the misguided man who tries to wreak vengeance on his enemy.

And the happy Ithacans with songs and solemn sacrifices of praise to the gods celebrated the return of Ulysses: for he that had been so long absent was returned to wreak the evil upon the heads of the doers; in the place where they had done the evil, there wreaked he his vengeance upon them.

"Much as we condemn the excesses of the Belgians, still we must not wreak vengeance on the whole nation as a section of our Press demands.

Yes, they Men who are little given to sift and weigh Would wreak on us the passion of the moment.

The head and body were battered and bruised by some heavy stick or poker, almost past human shape, as if the murderer had wished to wreak some awful vengeance upon the body of his victim.

She had now come out of Persia to wreak her displeasure on the Christians, who had already felt the sharpness of her sword; and as she arrived near this assembled multitude, death was the first thing that met her eyes, but in a shape so perplexing, that she looked narrowly to discern what it was, and then spurred her horse towards the scene of action.

Moreover, [as for] Ariovistus, no sooner did he defeat the forces of the Gauls in a battle, which took place at Magetobria, than [he began] to lord it haughtily and cruelly, to demand as hostages the children of all the principal nobles, and wreak on them every kind of cruelty, if everything was not done at his nod or pleasure; that he was a savage, passionate, and reckless man, and that his commands could no longer be borne.

Melanthe, believing every thing he said on this occasion, was ready to burst with indignation; which impatient to give vent to, parted from her lover much sooner than she was accustomed, in order to wreak on the poor Louisa all that rage and malice could suggest.

It may be noted here that Sulla, whose calculated moderation was paying him wellthe more pleasantly because he knew that he could wreak his revenge afterwards at his leisurenever scrupled to employ every kind of subterfuge and lie.

One can hardly imagine anything that would be more difficult for a poor water-snake than to wreak vengeance upon a big, strong elk; and old Helpless pondered day and night without finding any solution.

Such were of course bitter against him, and needed only an opportunity to wreak their vengeance upon him.

He then called a great overgrown negro to hold her hands behind her while he should wreak his vengeance upon the poor servant.

"Ay, ay," returned Richard, again clearing his throat, and looking to the right and left fiercely, as if he were seeking some object on which to wreak his vengeance.

Marie was, however, in no mood for trifling, and she sternly bade him leave her; a command which he obeyed only to wreak upon his wife the consequences of his own mortification.

The custodian of the cathedral told us that during the night of terror the German wounded, lying in the cathedral, not realising the strength and beauty of the French character under adversity, feared, seeing the cathedral in flames, that the populace might wreak vengeance on them, and that it was exceedingly difficult to get them to leave the cathedral.

And wreak thy needful wrath on my resigned breast!

Today I will wreak my long-cherished vengeance upon him, and I will today gratify (the manes of)

Come not in power to wreak so wild a vengeance!

" "Give me uplet them wreak their bloody vengeance on my head!"

Robert characteristically looked around to see whom he could knock down on the occasion; but there was no one visible on whom to wreak their vengeance.

Mariuccia opened, and I knew by the sound of the stick on the bricks that the lame count had come to wreak his vengeance.

Nowhere was there a defiant eye or a glint of scorn on which he could wreak his wrath.

Do we say   reek   or  wreak