56 examples of ref in sentences

[Greek: Pneuma hagion epeleusetai epi se, kai dunamis hupsistou episkiasei soi, dio kai to gennomenon [ek sou] hagion klaethaesetai huios Theon.] Ref.

The ref jumped in and separated them.

He's the finest little ref that ever tossed a coin.

As a covering note to the new issue he had put up the following letter: "Ref. G K etc., etc., of 10th inst.

This technique proved to be more effective than the ref's whistle.

The goals are tiny, the playing field is small and there's no ref.

(Burnet's Ref. vol.

Prefixes, in general, form separate syllables; as, mis-place, out-ride, up-lift: but if their own primitive meaning be disregarded, the case may be otherwise; thus, re-create, and rec'-reate, re-formation, and ref-ormation, are words of different import.

"Dillwyn's Ref., p. 16.

"Dillwyn's Ref., p. 11.

"Dillwyn's Ref., p. 8.

" Dillwyn, Ref., p. 31.

It says, "Ref. your S.C. 1985 please ask PIG if they have salvaged any German socks.

NM: front matter 4 p., p.277-281, 283-284, 2 p. ref. to introd.

NM: front matter 4 p., p.277-281, 283-284, 2 p. ref. to introd.

She floods the carburettor of the typewriter preparatory to thumping out "Ref. attached correspondence" on it.

Abbreviations: lit., literally; ref., reflexive; pret., preterit; rev., reverential; freq., frequentative; post., postposition; Span., a Spanish word.

ELLELTIA, v. Ref., to regret, to repent, to abstain; act., to prevent, to hinder, to impede, to cause pain.

Ref., to think, to reflect; qui-mati noyollo, I presume, I doubt; nonno-mati, I attach myself to a person or thing.


2. we; tito, ref.; tic, act.

TLAMACHTI, v. ref.

w Ref. 2 65 1 50 Christian Leader.

"Ref. your S.C. fourr stroke seeven eight six, the worrking-parrty in question" THE F.O.O. (seeing a gleam of hope).

See Strype's strong language in his Ann. of the Ref.

56 examples of  ref  in sentences