35 examples of referable in sentences

The species of Diatoms entering into this deposit have not yet been worked up, but they appear to be referable chiefly to the genera Fragillaria, Coscinodiscus, Choetoceros, Asteromphalus, and Dictyocha, with fragments of the separated rods of a singular silicious organism, with which we were unacquainted, and which made up a large proportion of the finer matter of this deposit.

almost all those respecting which we possess sufficient information, are referable to the same sub-ordinal groups as the existing Lepidosteus, Polypterus, and Sturgeon; and that a singular relation obtains between the older and the younger Fishes; the former, the Devonian Ganoids, being almost all members of the same sub-order as Polypterus, while the Mesozoic Ganoids are almost all similarly allied to Lepidosteus.

It appeared that the Prince had, for several days previously, been subject to giddiness and pain in the head, and that all the symptoms were readily referable to a simple case of apoplexy, while the appearances on dissection showed that rapid tendency to putrefaction, which is frequently observed in similar cases.

It should be carefully noted that, in all the circumstances on record which are indisputably referable to this first voyage, nothing has been said of ice or of any notable extension of daylight.

But it must be admitted that the phenomena of the divining-rod and table-turning are of precisely the same character, both being referable to an involuntary muscular action resulting from a fixedness of idea.

That the loves of his youth were not so tranquil as those of his old age, appears not only from the regrets expressed in his religious verses, but also from one or two of the rare sonnets referable to his manhood.

All the known sensible qualities of matter are ultimately referable to immaterial forces,"forces acting from points or volumes;" and whether these points are occupied by positive substance, or "matter" as it is usually conceived, cannot to-day be proved.

Adj. relative; correlative &c 12; cognate; relating to &c v.; relative to, in relation with, referable or referrible to^; belonging to &c v.; appurtenant to, in common with. related, connected; implicated, associated, affiliated, allied to; en rapport, in touch with. approximative^, approximating; proportional, proportionate, proportionable; allusive, comparable.

Adj. attributed &c v.; attributable &c v.; referable to, referrible to^, due to, derivable from; owing to &c (effect) 154; putative; ecbatic^. Adv.

Keep your hands from picking and stealing is no ways referable to his acquists.

This crisis presents a class of duties which is referable to yourselves.

Of these the first great divisionforts, magazines, arsenals, and dockyardsis obviously referable to recognized heads of specific constitutional power.

Though this may not necessarily indicate disease, it may, nevertheless, be taken into account if the lameness is not easily referable to any other member.

His popularity is referable to qualities other than those which belonged peculiarly to his talent as a poet.

If part of Burke's genius is referable to his nationality, Goldsmith's is wholly so.

Much of it is applicable to the whale; much is referable to thick, low, fog-banks, which even experienced seamen have mistaken for land, an opinion coinciding with what has been said of this same Kraken, by a Latin author of considerable antiquity.

Writing in 1854, Mr. M.M. Ballou, in his History of Cuba, says: "The Cubans owe all the blessings they enjoy to Providence alone (so to speak), while the evils which they suffer are directly referable to the oppression of the home government.

Still the etymology is referable to the breaking down of "some bridge," (pons, bridge; fractus, broken,) but this unravelment is not antiquarian.

The great delight that we take in the latter species of knowledge is referable to the curiosity we feel respecting the inhabitants of a country after we have once been assured of its existence.

Every year, indeed, more odd, as this cumulative case of the marvellous becomes to my mind more and more inexplicablethat underlying my sense of mystery and puzzle, was all along the quiet assumption that all these occurrences were one way or another referable to natural causes.

I had a vague, but immovable impression that the whole affair was referable to natural agencies.

The preservation of the Cross, to the extent we have shown, is referable to the philanthropic Howard, who, in a visit to Eyam, about the year 1788, or 44 years since, particularly noticed the finest part of the relic lying in a corner of the churchyard, and nearly overgrown with docks and thistles.

Of this small family, whose characters and limits were first described by Mr. Brown, there are sixteen species in the Herbarium of these voyages, referable to Bursaria, Billardiera, Pittosporum, and two unpublished genera.

About thirty-six species of these orders collectively, are preserved in the present Herbarium, referable at least to eleven genera, of which nine are most abundant in (and form a characteristic feature of) the botany of India, and the equinoctial parts of South America.

But nothing that I heard was referable to any primitive stock.

35 examples of  referable  in sentences