8750 examples of referring in sentences

Referring to the recent ladies' boat race at Harlem, a reporter says that "the girls all rowed badly."

The sort of geological speculation to which I am now referring (geological aetiology, in short) was created, as a science, by that famous philosopher Immanuel Kant, when, in 1775, he wrote his "General Natural History and Theory of the Celestial Bodies; or an Attempt to account for the Constitutional and the Mechanical Origin of the Universe upon Newtonian principles.

After stating that in no other country in the world was law so generally studied, and referring to the fact that as many copies of Blackstone's Commentaries had been sold in America as in England, he added: "This study renders men acute, inquisitive, dexterous, prompt in attack, ready in defence, full of resources.

[Footnote 2: This inscription is not of earlier date than the fourth century, as is shown by the words, Inter sancios,referring, as we heretofore stated, to the grave being made near that of some person esteemed a saint.

On the publication of Moore's Life, Lord Macaulay had no hesitation in referring to Byron as "the most celebrated Englishman of the nineteenth century."

" [Footnote 38: Lion and Kuehner have a notion that these skins were to be given as prizes to the victors, referring to Herodotus, who says that the Egyptians, in certain games which they celebrate in honor of Perseus, offer as prizes cattle, cloaks, and hides.

referring to a request that had been sent to the Rev. Thomas Charles of Bala, asking him to come and preach at Spa Fields.

Referring to soils; it is held as a rule, that a gravel soil is superior to any other, as the rain drains through it very quickly, and it is consequently drier and less damp than clay, upon which water rests a far longer time.

The facts, however, which are here adduced, preclude the possibility of referring this portion of the feudal innovations to the direct legislation of the Conqueror.

A minute was lost in ascertaining the precise spot where he ought to appear; for, in such a chaos of water, and with no guide but the judgment, the eye was apt to deceive itself, by referring to the nearer and more familiar objects by which the spectator was surrounded.

It is impossible to give the merest outline of the history of Salisbury without first referring to that of Old Sarum, or Sorbiodunum, two miles to the north.

Now, by referring to the History of Greece, it appears that Sparta, near which this scene of Penelope's is said to have taken place, was not founded or instituted till about A.M. 2650, or before Christ 1354, which alone makes a difference of 500 years, setting aside the time from the foundation of Sparta to the period in which Ulysses lived.

" In referring back to these volumes, we are led into continual loiterings by the way.

Referring to conditions in 1763, Mr. Channing states that "never had the colonists felt a greater pride in their connection with the British empire."

Referring to those messengers, he says: "They beheld several of the natives going about with firebrands in their hands, and certain dried herbs which they rolled up in a leaf, and lighting one end, put the other in their mouths, and continued exhaling and puffing out the smoke.

It was given a distinct name, Vuelta Abajo, a term variously translated but referring to the downward bend of the section of the island in which that grade is produced.

Then, referring the student to sundry authorities, he adds in a footnote certain "quotations," that are said to "present a general view of the different opinions which exist among orthoepists respecting this letter."

IV, Section 2d, of Versification; and the marginal note referring to Obs.

xiv, 34, 35, and referring to the same thing, is I

In referring to the continents of Europe and America, it will be understood that Turkey in the one, Utah in the other, are always excepted.

Hugohow impossible it is to speak of French literature without referring to him.

Without referring to Banker's proposed bargain, he said to him, "Was the captain of the bandits under whom you served a Spaniard?"

I may as well observe also, that while I have inserted notes where I thought their presence unavoidable, I have abstained as much as possible from diverting the reader's attention from the story by obtrusive asterisks, referring to what might seem impertinent observations at the bottom of the page.

I was pretty well acquainted with the contents of Mr. Knight's first edition; and knowing that the subsequent work of Mr. Collier contained nothing bearing upon the point, I did not think of referring to an edition published, as I understood, rather for the variation of form than on account of the accumulation of new matter.

The expression seems to be figurative, referring to the beginning or early life of things.

8750 examples of  referring  in sentences